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Everything posted by Manabimasho1

  1. I pay $35 a month for my training. My master is well known for not being rich too.
  2. AMEN , I am glad to see another real martial artists out there, I get flamed and bashed for saying that. Our style teaches a student a move slow and then after a long time they know it. Then we have them use the move in a simulated real fight where the guy flys at them throwing lefts and rights in wild punches and often times you cant just DO THE MOVE. you have to parry, dodge, combo hit or move around to soften them up and then you ONLY DO THE MOVE if its there for you. NEVER CHASE IT. We do demos all the time and ask students from other schools to do thier Counter techniques how they were taught but we get up there and do the move for real, I have yet to see a student counter the move from another school. They freak out and get hurt because they were trained to counter such bear hugs, grabs, and chokes from a guy barely holding them and not struggling. Any Martial Arts Dojo should teach thier moves in realistic terms so the student gets over the fear factors, and learns to take up the distance, and learns to take what they can instead of Chasing after a move from a oppenant who resists.
  3. I deal with the Advertising for our dojo, I am not the direct master over the school but I am one of 4 Instructors. My wife does the money handling and all the paperwork aside from teaching moves. I have lately been using Free forms of marketing out our school using the following. Placing flyers about school and style under windshield wipers of cars at highschool parking lots and walmarts. Doing Demonstrations for the community during fairs and stuff. Before and during the Demos I have a team of people pass out flyers telling where when and what the style is and directions to the fair grounds or festable if they are far away. We give out lil buisness cards about 10 to each student in our Adult class who is brown belt and above- word of mouth to friends is great. I also place flyers up at grocier stores on thier "Postings Boards" I have at times done demonstrations with my Grandmaster for Boyscouts and Church groups as well and we give everyone 3 flyers to take home about our school so that it stays in buisness.
  4. I dont see why you posted this thread, you are basicaly saying you are discouraged because those students with more time in are better then you. For some reason I noticed alot of older men thinking that because of thier age they have some rights or titles or more skill then the younger ones with more time in. There are girls in our adult class who sparr full contact no gloves, no rules with the newcomer guys who are 3 times thier weight and the girls eat em up. These female students are very much in shape, and not fat or bulky looking like some of you may be assumeing too. 5.7 130 pounds and lethal.
  5. Most people don't know it but Samurai would go through a ritual of training that would have them get in funeral clothes, fake a death while the Samurai was in a trace meditation and bury the Samurai. After burying them the Samurai would be dug up by others and the Samurai's master would use some so called Magical Words like " I call upon death to give me a warrior who shall not die" Then the Master would grab the Samurais hand and signify raising the dead. This along with the Bushido Code brainwashed the Samurai to the mentality to ignore pain and not fear death because they were already dead. Some schools still practice this ritual along with some magical rituals in beliefs of empowering the student Samurai with powers over death.
  6. Never heard of it..is there a website to them, and do explain what they do, Sounds like they reinact fights and battles in armor and clad@! if so where do i sign up
  7. Any style or school that does not teach thier moves in fast paste, hard hitting, struggling attackers is unrealistic. Any style or school that teachs to block a punch when the other student is aiming 3 inches from your ear, or kicking 4 inches from your body is unrealistic. Any style that doesn't teach atleast 5 counters to every one move or hold is unrealistic. Any style or school that has an Instructor who DOESN"T sparr with his or her students is unrealistic. Any Instructor that can be beaten by thier students under 20 years studying under them is unrealistic and you should seek a real master. And don't act like you don't know schools that do these things. We travel all over and have yet to find 1 school that is realistic other then ours. Especialy the part with hitting or kicking and not actualy trying to aim or hit the other person.
  8. yes, I wrote a long post somewhere on here about what Bushido orignaly was, and the history of how the Masters became landlords and warlords and used the Samurai to go off and kill thier enemies and tenants like they were dogs. The Samurai were known for a ruthless tactic which involved using flaming arrows and firing them into a house of unarmed civilians, the samurai then lined up around the house with thier swords drawn and either the civilians stayed and burned in the house or they ran out screaming and were cut up. The babies were not even killed they are thrown down wells full of water alive to end the seed of that family. Yes I know about them and Our bushido code is written down somewhat although we do practice submission to your master, but our code displays such laws to help guide the individual to making desicions of thier own. But we do have a rule to Guard our Grandmaster or Master of our schools if attacked at all cost including jumping in the line of an attack. This helps to promote our style and keep it alive. Other then that main rule we have done away with the rules stating to "Listen to master even when you are asked to kill another or yourself" And the secret thing seems to work.........ask people about Ki/Chi/ or the death touch or PP....most people tell you hogwash about it, or say it doesnt exist, and then they point you out to some website that tells you to memorize some chart lol........I would rather the world disbelief in my techniques then know they exist.
  9. Well I didn't care that you said my first name....but that comment up there is gonna have people crying for crap now in PM's lol.........shhhhhhh. Superchick, dont worry about what others think on here, I don't need you to back me up, but I do appreciate it *bows*.
  10. Ok yeah its not easy to explain. The Imperial Temples of Japan is what is left from teh old ways of japan the Emperor and all that. The World Head of Family Sokeship Council is a group or federation of martial artists come together to speak bout how they all can provide help for the future of marital arts. They also do demos, give out awards and so The two are not the same but the Imperial Temples of Japan reconizes the W.H.F.S.C. and there are requirements that must be meet to to be accepted into the W.H.F.S.C. After your style or you get into the WHFSC then comes the regestration with the Imperial Temples. Many styles are reconized by the W.H.F.S.C. but not with the Imperial Temples. Our style is reconized by both. Basicaly its like being knighted in england only this is from Japan. Basicaly its just a bunch of rights, titles and certificates, which mean nothing in todays world. But some people perfer to have creditentals and we provide em. The other comment about Manabi Masho Jujitsu being founded is true, the basis for Jujitsu is to progress in battle and stay aware of what is happening never becoming stagnant. Our Grandmaster saw that other Jujitsu was not staying true to this and he decided to branch off. When he did so he explained his natures were to both stay true to the old ways and come up with faster better ways for Jujitsu to work. The W.H.F.S.C. has him on the 51st seat. Basicaly look at JKD......Bruce Lee orginaly wanted his idea to be an idea, not a style. JKD though is becoming a grounded style and not adding stuff.......JKD was suppose to be a mma and adapted to the self. IF a JKD stuider says he wants to create what Bruce Lee intended all along and he goes out and makes a style called Tao Bruce Lee JKD then he is both Gone back to the source and original plan, and also branched out making a new style. The Bushido Comment is one that is tricky. Bushido is only given out and studied through me I am the Admin on the website, I have the blessing of my Grandmaster to teach its ideas and laws so that we remember where we are going and where we come from. But My Grandmasters style is tough and hard, most people can't cut it especialy during Belt testing. Because of its stress and due to the fact we are in America we have to keep the schools atmosphered family, friendly at times, instead of a strict disaplined way all day. The Bushido Code is very demanding and some of it is posted on our website. Basicaly Now the Bushido code is a extra part of class that is only taught to black belts and above right now. Our idea is to perserve our style and make it very hard to beat, and we find its often hard to keep people in the school because we train in alot of realistic manners, and begginers get roughed up. I hope that clears it up...sorry for all the confussion
  11. yeah if its free take it hehe......nothing beats that.
  12. Yeah man Chris Hunter is Ashida Kim, .......he has so many alias its not a freaking wonder someone hasn't killed him and just assumed one of his identities lol. He signed up at the Steven Hayes seminar, and under another name too lol. Steven Hayes is from the Iga Clan, but right round the time Steven Hayes got popular all the Ninja clans and schools formed up into Bujikan for thier own well being so they put it. But basicaly there are like 3 or 4 groups....but they all go through Bujikan now. The only problem with Bujikan is that you can get multiple teachers and thier styles are so far apart it's insaine. I have went to a few instructors demos and each ones style was as differnt as karate to Capeoria. I am not a big fan of that movement or Bujikan because I think they messed up royaly. Iga and Koga clans however are legit and should have just broken off and went thier own ways.
  13. Learn to use the natural pockets of the body as our style calls them. the Only time we grapple is when we are sweaty and sometimes shirtless. Like when grapping the forearm, slide down to the wrist. they are bigger and you should be able to hold him unless he does a counter wristgrab. If you are choking him and cant get it because he is sweaty I would have to see that to believe it. I do it all the time and have no trouble. Maybe you just need more practice I guess. As for figure fours, headlocks, and neck cranks it can all be down easily with training and you have to get a feel for the body yours and your oppenants.
  14. They are a huge waste of time just like a wooden stand up dummy due to the following. a. A dummy doesn't move and react to pain or leverage. b. A dummy doesn't counter you so you can't learn to counter a counter. c. A dummy doesn't give you a feel for how a jointlock should feel d. A dummy doesn't give you a feel for how holds or submissions feel. e. Throwing a dummy doesn't work as throwing a person. Leverage! f. When down grappling you can't see the actual open spots . g. You will never be fighting a dummy so why train with one. h. When you combo hit a dummy it doesn't react and move with the hits. I. if you ever groin hit then, spinning backfist a dummy in the head you need to stop because noone will be hit in the balls and have thier head in the spot that you aim for when spinning back fisting the head. Ohhh man I could go on and on and on and on.
  15. I wouldn't have used the word "Defended" it can get you questioned and in trouble. I too have served time in the jails and been in situations with cops. As long as only your attacker was armed you are usualy in the clear but I still watch my words very carefully
  16. Everyone should learn atleast a few throws and go over them alot. If you are losing in a real life fight you can always say screw it rush in take a hit grab the guy and throw him down beat him senseless and that is that..... My personal view though......is watch out for those schools that teach to throw a guy and go down with him. That is very unnessasry and its a sacrifice move. I grapple very good and with the best, but we are taught its practicaly useless in a real fight because during a bar fight, or street fight, or gang converantation you can't just go down to the ground with another guy when 10 of his friends are above you and standing. Also watch out for fighting myths....like 80% of all fights go to the ground. Which that is very untrue unless both are grapplers and skilled and do it on purpose. I bounced for years and my Grandmaster bounced for over 30 years at another place and I can only think of a few that went to the ground and they all involved women.
  17. ARMA??????? The american Rock Mechanics Assosiation? lol......no I am kidding but seriously google arma hehe. Do you mean phlipeno stick fighting?
  18. our school travels all over..sorry man we dont' have anything planned in the next 2 years near you =( but our style does sparring alot differnt then others. Rules Light/medium Contact only If hit light react realisticly. That is what we do. Bareknuckled and usualy the lower ranks vs lower ranks get carried away and someone has a shiner or bloody nose, but we use it to keep our moves realistic and learn control when hitting others. I can't fight with gloves on. It stripes me of the power to use pressure points and other tricks of the trade so when I spar with gloves and pads its like defanging a tiger, declawing it, then muzzling it ........just lame lol.
  19. I was a white belt for 3 years.......JESSS this kid has a black belt in one lol and under 14!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't even start getting the flow of the techniques and counters the first year at all. Getting over the fear factor dump, and learning to relax during a fight took me 4 years. Anyways this is just another reason why the degrees in Black should be taken out.....A black belt is suppose to signify someone who is on the path of mastery or there. Any black belt that messes up alot, or fails at thier style in a RL fight or sparring should be stripped of it. Reasons like giving a 14 year old girl a BB in one year are why the Unitedstates local citizens laugh when they hear you are a BB in anything. Don't kid yourself.....I seen some of you talk of how being a BB will ward off a person........LMAO whatever.
  20. Grandmaster John Casarez. I also was taught under Grandmaster Bob Edwards Do a google search under either name.... our website has info on them too...its a little flashy and somewhat braggy about our system. In our area we do demos with other schools. They know we are good and challenges come and go. You wouldnt believe me if I told you some of the challengers and what happened at our school. We take MA serious and treat it as ancient MA would. But Super Chick is bragging on us too much.....sorry for that. Superchick people get upset when you brag...even if someone else does it for you ok *winks*
  21. Hey S.Chick, Yeah I guess you want me to tell the story of "STAN THE MAN" lol huh... well ok. Stan is this guy who is a complete moron, he used to attend our dojo and got his brownbelt 2nd degree and quit because we are rough in training. Anyways throughout the years Stan looks alot like Chuck Norris, he tries to imitate him and some of us think Stan has issues lol. Stan comes around and we just put up with him. Anyways one day Stan is at a store while its closing and hears some guy arguing with the cashier, the guy arguing is pissed because they wont cash his check and the angry guy Pulls out a pistol and waves it in the face of the cashier and tells her to open the draw and he wants all the money. So Stan being the moron he is, asks the guy to calm down and tries to talk him to death, the angry guy is eye balling stan and eventualy Stan jumps in and breaks the guys finger while on the trigger and disarms the gun, but the gun goes off into the wall. OHHH GOD here comes the funny part. The news and press freak out and are cheering on Stan, Stan tells the press he is the Main Instructor of Our DOJO and that he is a 5th degree Black Belt!!!!!!!!!! The freaking newspapers run the story and DONT EVEN INVESTIGATE HIS CLAIMS. Later I find out the man with the gun was like 80 and feeble but the Newspapers and Stan tells it was a tough looking 20 year old. Well this story went around a few times and somehow it turned into a Gang of bank robbers and Stan breaking everyones arms and disarming them LOL. Another local newspaper runs the story and my Grandmaster said enough he contacted the newspapers and told them he was sueing if they didn't stop running it. The funniest part of all this was Stan is a moron, he would barely learn a move and we laughed about it saying If stan can do it anyone can. But the Cashier who we meet later told us Stan pissed his pants and cried begging the gunman to leave. The Cashier says the gunman is disgusted by Stan and asks stan to hold a bag for him to help the robbery. Then Stan cries saying he doesn't want to be a part of the crime and freaks out the guy pulls Stan back and stan happened to perform a perfect fingerlock gun disarm technique and did break the guys finger. But leave it to the news to take a real day Starwarskid and make them into a hero.!!!
  22. Make sure the guys is Dead and there were no witnesses, if there were I would be acting like I was seriously hurt to win the vote of them. If the attacker lived its a hear say battle in court where both would be probably punished. and I have heard of stories of Martial Artists taking knives or guns away from attackers and harming them with them and the Martial artists went to prison.....so also make sure your fingerprints aren't on the knife, if all else fails. Tell the police the guy tried to rob you, he pulled you back and you freaked out thinking he was gonna kill you, the guy wrestled you to the ground and you fought back and got up only to see he was stuck.....you dont' remember anymore it happened fast. That story works.
  23. Ok here is the thing..... alot of people are gonna put there 2 cents in a bash me for saying this but I know what I am speaking about. Everyone has this idea that real sword fights are like Kill Bill. What everyone doesn't understand is that in ancient japan the swords were not folded much at first because if you don't fold them the blade is razor sharp, BUT it can break if hit. At that time the Samurai seen the sword as a personal possesion and had rituals that they believed bonded thier soul and Ki into the swords. In Kendo Training they used bokken not those bambo swords, In Kendo you were trained to NEVER TOUCH blades. It was basicaly one guy swings and you dodge and hit him. This was a art of literaly one swing one kill. After years of the swordwarefare eventualy blacksmiths created swords that were folded 150-350 times. Making a sword bendable but alot less sharp. The Samurai originaly were taught to strike faster, or move away from an incoming bladesmen. Now with thier swords bendable they started to block. Only problem is some people still had those sharp brittle swords. When the bendable swords blocked a incoming brittle sharp sword usualy the bendable one was cut in half and the brittle one snapped right there and then. You had alot of fights that lasted no longer then 10 seconds. The other thing People don't understand is if you carried the blade you were hit! Noone I don't care who, ran around fighting more then once without getting cut, sliced, or stabbed. In the History of the Samurai injury was very often, so they wore armor, which only kept some of it less lethal.
  24. Yeah your Grandmaster is a Legend, I admire him too and wish I would have studied under him too But atleast I have trained under him some. LOL are you sucking up to me Superchick? If I could I would train with you but I can't you know the rules of our secrecy =p
  25. You won't get many replies because this has been done 1000 times. But I will answer anyways. What Martial Arts has taught me. Self confidence, Awareness, Controlling my attacker, Learning to defend myself, and in rare occasions fight off those insulting and attacking my friends or family. I don't follow that idea of "do no harm" Because it's not orginal or traditional and I have yet to see any example of that idea from any ancient masters of the Japanese system I follow. I believe that with great power comes even greater responsability. I see many Martial Artists who don't improve thier community, or help out those less fortunate. I am well known in my Community in South Point, Ohio. I contribute a honour system and alot of people look up to me as an example to follow. I make sure that I learn a lesson in life everyday, and I am an Instructor at my Dojo following behind a Grandmaster who I reveal as a Legend in Martial Arts. I wouldn't give up my trainer for anyone past, or present who know of Martial Arts. Each time I win sparring sessions and get a big head my Grandmaster beats me around and shows me that my skill is nothing compared to his. I believe in learning to be deceptive and smart in any battle or fight.
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