scenario 1: Well the guy appears to have been drinking, but he has a buddy with him. I would ask him kindly to move away from the car so I may leave. If he refuses, I will attempt to push him away from the car, if he then tries to get physical, I will then proceed to drop him to the ground using a standard arm twistlock letting him feel the pressure of his arm about to break, if his buddy comes near I tell his buddy that his friend here is about to experience a broken arm if he come any closer. Give the person every chance to back out. If there is no other choice but to get in a physical altercation, then show him he is nothing more an a wet piece of paper that can be torn to shreds by dropping him to the ground with a arm twist applying the proper amount of pressure to his elbow. True story: When i was in high school a friend and I were jumped by a group of gang members it was 4 against me and him. Apperantly they didnt like my friend to much and offered for myself to leave. (At the time I was a red belt and new to the high school;) I was not about to leave my friend there by himself. So out of the group of 4 I picked the one who seemed to be the leader. I then told them to leave my friend be and to let us go about our way, I knew they would laugh but I had to clearly state my position that i was not leaving. out of the blue I get sucker punched from behind, this just set me off, the first person i got my hands on I broke his arm, the second person I made an example out of, after the fight and about a weak later I find out the guy I made an example out of could never walk normal again as I shattered his knee and the thing that gets me to this day is, I could have talked my way out of it, even if it meant a hit to my pride. So now I will walk away from fights, even if the person thinks I am weaker than him. Fight only to defend yourself and to protect those who are weaker than your self. Moral of the story is, just because you can hurt someone doesnt mean you should....