Hey guys, my Taekwondo tournament's tomorrow. Right now, I'm feeling somewhat nervous yet excited. This will be my third Taekwondo tournament. And I've noticed that at the last two tournaments, my legs felt like it had a 250 pound weight on them. Any tips on this dillemma? One big problem is my poor flexibility (can only achieve 110 degree splits). This forces me to do body shots 90% of the time. Another problem is that my Karate instincst might come in. And I vividly remembered what it was like. I punched a guy in the head forgetting that head punches aren't allowed. Also, it's hard to try to eliminate the instinct to hold a kick (which isn't allowed here). The result of this law is that everybody here (in Taekwondo (in general)) are too lazy to "pull" there kicks now that I can safely bet $100 dollars that I can catch 95% of their kicks. Sorry for those unecessary remarks, just had to relieve a little pressure. Well, back to the question. Does anyone have some tips for this tournament? especially those nervous feelings? Thanks in advanced!