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Everything posted by Nick_sam

  1. hey all! nick here, from london! i just discovered this forum whilst looking on the internet on how to properly wear a gi - didnt want to make a fool out of myself on my first aikido session! a bit about me: 21, musician, art student, and all that jazz! train aikido at the Budokwai (fulham-ish for you londoners!) .. thats pretty much it! looking forward to some indepth conversations! nick
  2. what exactly is Bagua, by the way? i mean, what does it involve? and what is taiji too? and what does kuk sool won involve too? (as you can tell i am new - but enthusiastic - to all this!) and no, i dont think i have enough time to do 2 at the moment - as it is, the dojo i do aikido at only has it twice a week, which isnt enough, for me at least! thanks again for the patience!
  3. thanks so much for the reply. dont worry, i have all intentions to carry on aikido for a very long time, and taking things slowly before trying out anything else. you have a good point, "whats suits me best". i think i have found the right art for me in aikido and its so rich and endless i think im gonna be at it for a while! i guess im looking for a more "offensive" art that follows similar smooth flowing movements, as opposed to hard rigid motions. my knowledge of what all (or at least most) of the different arts involve isnt particularly extensive, so any input is appreciated! thanks again!
  4. hey all, this is my first post! after years of sidetracking and considering i finally got around to taking up aikido and have been doing it now for a mere 5 or six weeks. what an amazing art! with little or no effort you can send someone twice your size to the ground and it gives you such a better concept of balance too! since taking it up i have looked around on forums and the suchlike and discovered more different martial arts than ever imagined to be! And its got me thinking that i may want (at a later date, when i have a better grasp on aikido, or course!) to take up another art - perhaps one that compliments aikido, or that offers skill in another spectrum, ie more offensive, or even a weapon based art. I am tending to favour arts that have a more fluid / circular motion to them rather than rigid linear based ones - it would be nice to be able to take certain aspects of aikido and apply them to something else! anyway, ive been rambling! any ideas? thanks, nick
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