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Everything posted by ZeRo

  1. nice photo. thanx for that im hopefully starting a class soon so i dont want to sound stupid
  2. i live over here in england and i must say that im totally against fox hunting. infact after school to day there is a protest in the park. it FOR fox hunting!! im totally against it. i think we should get all the posh people how think there so uch better then us, release them butt naked in to the wild and have lion chase and kill them. i think this might simulate the same terror the foxes have. the other thing is some people think it is pest control. well no it isnt some farmers do kill foxes but thats different there killed in humane ways. fox hunting should be banned.
  3. hahaha i was reading about this mega hard street fighter guyin the olden day. they put him against the best pressure point people. so the fight started the guy jumps forward and goes straight for a pressure point. this guy only say one thing. "ow that really hurts" then he kicked that guy butt!!
  4. how do u say the "muay" in muay thai.
  5. pressure arevery useful in the right cercumstanses. they can be used as a good detraction to use before a throw (like the center of the wrist)
  6. nope same here but once we used kinda stick things?? we were only doin a cordination excersize though.
  7. long term to be able to stretch well coz at the moment im really bad at them and to eat something bigger then my own head. short term to start muay thai. [ This Message was edited by: XpOiSoN FrEeX on 2002-04-12 04:55 ]
  8. kick thats guys butt!! but if i were u i would stay out his way for a while till things cool down.
  9. blimey is one wat of saying it!
  10. hi welcome to the forum!
  11. hi welcome!!!
  12. i like abit of the old lemon fanta. i dont drink alcohol or caffine
  13. i was thinking of starting a new MA. i think ill do muay thai. i already do jiu jitsu so a striking art would be good. thx peeps. can the admins sticky this thread?? if so please do. (yellow belt!!) [ This Message was edited by: XpOiSoN FrEeX on 2002-04-11 10:56 ]
  14. i agree how can u have an ulimate MA? you could kinda take all the best bits from all of them but i dont think you really could.
  15. hi!!
  16. i kno it sounds kinda obvous but i try to always b in control.
  17. im against cloneing. it only works like 1 in 100 times. until it gets better i won't even concider it.
  18. hihi
  19. i wanna do ninjitsu, muay thai and kung fu. im starting kickboxing and i wouldnt mind ( i kno its not really a MA) doin samarai training but then id have to live totally by the way of the samarai! "u have dishounored me! i will have to kill u!" *wips out a samarai sword* [ This Message was edited by: XpOiSoN FrEeX on 2002-04-13 14:19 ]
  20. theres a simple reason why u dont find spinning jump kicks and stuff in muay thai, coz if they did they would get an elbow in the back of the head! those guys are fast!
  21. i agree with bjjbarbie the kid doesnt need to b put to sleep. just let him breath a bit. jst ask him "are you goin to tap" or something. he might have forgotten. god knos i have b4! h
  22. hi welcome. congrats on the test
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