My dad and I were taking a 4 hour trip down to bass pro shops to get some replacement backpacking gear. We had lunch at Mc Donalds believe it or not. What is even more amazing is that there was a karate school about 50 yards from it in a strip mall. We thought we would check it out just to see what was going on. Definately a McDojo! There were 2 instructers and about 40 little kids. 10 had black belts. The instructers set up an assemably line kind of thing. The kid would kung fu kick the bag, walk over punch the dummy, walk over to an instructer (the other was on break) kick a little thing he was holding out. Rinse and repeat. What was even more sad was there were a bunch of soccer moms sitting on the bench holding crying babies waiting to pick up thier kid. Made me really mad