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Everything posted by Lazyeyedhobo

  1. In a real fight you should focus more on your footwork when evading attacks than blocking.
  2. Why is this question crusial?
  3. Transporter sucked because of a bad script and such fake fight seens. I meen fake by the fact that the transporter dude never got a scratch on him when he wasted like a hundred somethin goons. At least it wasnt as bad as Kill Bill.
  4. Screw tougher punishments! Because of the Zero Tolerance Policy if you are caught defending yourself in a fight you automaticaly get a 3 day suspension. I got in a fight that I diddnt even start and I got 5 days. I guess that means if you are defending yourself and you break the other guy's nose you both get 5 days automaticaly. And you arent aloud to make up the school work you missed! That made my A average drop down to a low B.
  5. Jumping Rope and boxing is great for building quick reflexes.
  6. When you fight a big guy punching isnt as effective as a featherwieght or medium fighter. If you want to punch hit him in the face or go for the ribs. Don't kick him in the nuts though. Thats pretty cowardly in my book. You could do it if he attacks you with a weapon because that means he isnt fighting fair so you can fight dirty too. I got in a fight at school with a big kinda fat guy at school. He hit me once in the forhead. My god big guys hit hard. (If you get nailed in the head let your head snap back to reduce the impact.) Anyways I jumped back then nailed him with a powerful side kick. The guy hit the ground like a lead weight. I suggest using kicks because he usually isnt too quick on his feet. Good luck if you have to fight one of those guys!
  7. I think that i forgot to menchon that the kids were prety much doing whatever they wanted to do and not using any proper technique. I dont really know much about the art but I know how a sidekick is done.
  8. My dad and I were taking a 4 hour trip down to bass pro shops to get some replacement backpacking gear. We had lunch at Mc Donalds believe it or not. What is even more amazing is that there was a karate school about 50 yards from it in a strip mall. We thought we would check it out just to see what was going on. Definately a McDojo! There were 2 instructers and about 40 little kids. 10 had black belts. The instructers set up an assemably line kind of thing. The kid would kung fu kick the bag, walk over punch the dummy, walk over to an instructer (the other was on break) kick a little thing he was holding out. Rinse and repeat. What was even more sad was there were a bunch of soccer moms sitting on the bench holding crying babies waiting to pick up thier kid. Made me really mad
  9. I know that i should know about this kind of thing but how do you wear a cup. Never owning one I never really knew. Does it strap on or what?
  10. Whenever i wear a mouth piece my mouth produces a ton of saliva. Does that have something to do with the size of it?
  11. When I wail on the bag I just use heavy boxing gloves so that when I'm wailing on a person my hands feel lighter and I feel faster. I think it gives me a mental advantage.
  12. Why do schools make people wear gis anyway? A muscle man shirt that says hard rock cafe on it and some cool black sweat pants would be more comfortable and look cooler.
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