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Black Belt (10/10)
lol. thanks dineshm, i guess you right since things will work themselves out anyway
Hey and thanks everyone, I guess the only left is to actually do it, which I'm planning for next week. Thanks!
Thanks ps1, it was thrown into the garbage by mistake. I'm leaning more and more into telling him what happened, thanks again. menjo
After going through my black belt examination my instructor gave me a black belt from his youth, and in the end the only thing I can say is: I lost it after a year or so. I Once got mud on it and he was seriously annoyed. In fact its been months since this event and I haven't found the strength or the balls to go back without it, what do I do?
Shotokan Dan Ranking These are the rules that the JKA goes by for dan rankings. Certain amount of years have to be spent in each aswell. 2nd Dan "Examiners test for understanding and proficiency in the foundational techniques of karate." 3rd Dan "Examiners test for understanding and proficiency in the standard techniques of karate." 4th Dan "Examiners test for understanding and mastery of all karate techniques; for an understanding of the philosophy of karate; for an ability to apply these fundamentals and functional aspects in practice; and for an ability to instruct" 5th Dan "Examiners test for high-level mastery of karate techniques, and the ability to apply technique in one’s own unique way" 6th and 7th Dan "Must demonstrate extensive, matured mastery of both the physical and mental aspects of karate training" 8th 9th and 10th Dan "Must demonstrate total mastery of karate, both physical and mental, and show an extraordinary level of spiritual development" ***Also a 1st Dan usually isnt required to preform Unsu for thier 2nd Dan grading. Katas used instead are the four basic starting black belt kata, with a choice to choose several more if you know them. The katas are grouped up according to difficulty and I think until 3rd or 4th is the practitioner supposed to be completely ready for any kata.
One method is to hypertrain your body but to keep it short, you could try sprinting up stairs, hill sprints...ect. Not because this will develop speed but your muscles will have less difficulty dealing with each pound pressing down on them. That way, your breathing and heart also have a better time. Just training for running by doing that specific exercise may be good for long term results, however if you want maximum results within minimum time, overtrain all the muscles involved and give the ones you need a rest well before the race. Instead of one well trained muscle(which takes a long time), you have a team of muscles indirectly directing all the energy to your main muscle group. Basicly, what you lack in technique and experiance, you can make up in sheer energy and conditioning or body connection. It would take a week max to be ready to use this type of method. The downfall is that by the end of the race youll probably feel totally exausted. 2 days rest for the main group, 1 day rest for the others starting on the first day for the main group. What do I have to support this? 1.) Its well known fast twitch muscles are the deciding factor to how fast an athlete builds results. develop fast twitch muscles in your less specific goaled muscles and built up muscle there is just like how knee muscles can support a weak knee joint. These small muscles are much more sensitive to overtraining and thus faster results. 2.)Without support, your body will feel the stress of the situation, suddently, your training time will be doubled and youll feel 30 pounds heavier. You can minimize it with fast twitch mucles fibers, that support it through the difficult times.
Thanks, Philosophical One. Its like some sort of sickness with people like that, and I just can't understand how screwed up thier morals are.
Thats unfortunate, but its good you solved it so fast, and I'm old enough not to trust people like that! That sounds like heavy desperation on the old guys part. yeah, I'll just see what happens next, because physically I dont have anything to worry about, just the wierdness. You shouldve spit in his face though...haha.
Thats a good point A_Train, I'll make sure to do so. Hopefully my instructor knows this as well and will fix it up.
Ok, I have recently learned a new lesson in life. I'm going to Shotokan class one average night(last night) and everything is normal. As I'm approaching the door theres a member there who seemed to be staring at me alot. I sent the negative body language signs as to let him know I'm only friends in terms of fellow karateka. This is where it gets, creepy, strange, and for me, downright terrifying. This isnt for the faint of heart! Firstly, hes over 40 years older than me. Secondly, were both guys and theirs nothing wrong with that, but he should know better than that. He comes up to me and asks some questions about Heian Nidan, I answered them with ease and let him knew I was open to kata questions. He then says that he wants private instruction, really just one on one training. A reasonable concern, "theres sunday free workouts availible" I replied, but then he said he was to tired. Its gets worse... Anyway then he offers me MONEY to go to HIS CONDO in some REMOTE LOCATION. At this point my spidy sense are really tingling here. Then he offers me a lift home and WANTS TO KNOW WHERE I LIVE... I told him I lived somewhere in the city so he would never find out. Then hes like, well moneys really not an issue, I could pay you as much as you want. Anyway, I said I'd think about it, sent him negative signs with body language to show I'm not homosexual at all, mentioned my girlfriend and walked home. I told my family everything and they said I did the right thing, but its hard to sleep with something like that happening. I told my instructor and hes going to take care of it. Turns out he was KICKED OUT of another club close by, probably hitting on other high school students....hes over 60 by the way. Whatever the case, its not his first time. Anyway thanks for reading this, If anything like this has happened to you, then post your story. Its always good to know what situations predators may create to get the upper hand and have thier way, I know I'll always be ready.
:lol: Sorry you had to go through that. Thanks, although, I'll admit I probably did overeact alot!
HAHA, yes it hurt ALOT. My experiance was with a student doctor who when he was putting them in my head (after it was cracked open I waited a quick 3 hours when I was 8 ) and he says "oops" right out loud and 1: stuck the sharp part under the wrong area of skin and didnt try to take and left it in, because it was one of those dissovling ones. 2: Turns out, it wasnt a dissovling one and it the skin healed over it and they had to tear skin to get to it. and finally 3: If there was talent this butcher did have was that he knew how to make a needle insertion feel much longer than it actually was with this sort of slow driving technique into the head. Good times.
Your probably mentally not focused in the comfort of indoors, and outside your body is more awake so to speak.