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Everything posted by emma
I like any books about Karate and learning phontic Japanese (I always think its nice to be in the know) Hary Potter, the Complete Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, Enid Blyton, Philip Pullman, Beverley Clearly- Ramona Quimby, Arther Ransome- Swallow and Amazons Forever, C.S. Lewis, Jacqueline Wilson- Tracy Beaker, Graphic Art books like ie Fred Gambino/ Vellejo and Bell art sketch Books, books about the artists Matisse, Klee, Picasso and Andy Warhol, books about history and cultere, Star Trek Books, cookery and baking books, and various fantasy and sci fci books, and Nina Bawden books phew! I read books as a form of escapedes somewhere to go instead, and to pass the time, and when I read them its like moving pictures in my mind/ head (like watching a film/movie or a TV show) and if I put the book down as I'm often busy elsewhere the characters wonder why the story as stopped dead in its tracks whether its on a chapter of not and probably the answer would be that the person as stopped reading.
Since 15 June 2005 I joined Weight Watchers I already have succesfully lost 1 stone already (14 pounds in total, equivilent of six bags of sugar?) The weight is just coming off week by week, I would like to know where its all going? In the next coming of the months hopefully before this years christmas, I am hoping to lose two more stone and get down to 10st. As I am so very passionate about my karate and I really enjoy I feel I would greatly improve by losing some of the fat off me. I was poorly for 3 months so losing weight was put off for a bit (being out of karate felt like 3 years to me, then 3 months) I missed the training and my freinds that I trained with so much. Now I feel so much better able to fit into smaller sized clothes, is like a breeze to me. The is an advert on british TV across a range of tv channels at the moment and its about losing body fat with a breakfast cereal called Special K, it says to eat cereal for all meals and snack in between with special K cereal bars, and the young lady on there who walks around on tv, and keeps being called 'a loser' by a child and and a few adults figures in various places. I've seen this advert over and over and I definetly think this idea of losing weight or getting fitter with special K and weight watchers would probably clash and as I have been on weight watchers for a while now, I've definetly think I will stick with that.
Then they must have the defense technique etc in mind of the attacker/s, what happens if the attacker/s practices a martial art themselves, I won't be in my 'yes I can easily defend myself against this person' element if I trying really to defend myself if they are better at sparring/attacking then me.
English obveisly is my first languege, in the past in my school life and many years after I have learnt french. My dad was in the British Forces so we had to live germany (when i was five years old) as that was where he was based so I know a bit of german. I have even treid to learn Irish Gailic, as I was born in Northen Ireland and at the moment I am learning Japonese whilst I am attending karate. Even when I play computer games I am always interested to learn the writings and launguege on there and how they are written, so at the moment I am also learning to understand how morrowind game langeuge is said and how its written, but only for a bit of fun. Now wonder when I do every day things, I tend to forget stuff as I feel mentaly my brian is either shrinking or getting bigger.
There are so many different kata's and all with amazing moves and we all experience them in different ways. How do martial artist's remember everything? and it might be only a split second, before someone else counter attacks you/ us first.
Yes! that is a good idea, Another way to keep your/their belt tied and not for the your/their Gi to come undone (now wouldn't that be annoying) is to loose the body weight.
My favourite kata so far has to be Tekki Shodan, been practising it over and over at home, I'm glad its my next kata in september 05, after I get my purple D-stripe
I think karate looks more like boxing, when we work either with pads or wear big red gloves when sparring blatently on two different occasions.
I shave my hair on my head, my eye brows, I'm forever trying to assimilate any hair on my body anywhere, we are not the cave people we used to be.
All I can see is that (and I have thought it over for some time) is his/her belt is comfortable upon how you/they tie it, and within normal peramiters, like not going to be told off and might be told that its tied wrongly, then its fine. Like for instance I wear my belt how it feels comfy to me and how best I can tie it (any other way and I will forget) and I have been attending karate for quite some time now and nobody has actually physically told me off for having my belt tied differently to other karateka.
How excatly do people tie their belts?, cose I tie mine differently to others, or does it matter that I tie mine differently to other people. I'm worried if its tied differently then other people, I might not be allowed to participate in black belts tounaments in the future, I'll shall be soo embarresed if that happens.
woow y2_sub how do you keep your karate up for so long?, 8 years is a long time
Some people wear it unintentionally all twisted etc at the back and that must be so uncomfatable.
According to the uk karate belt system, heian sandan (yellow) is a bit like heian Godan (purple) exept its a bit more difficult and different moves, for instance kihon (white) is a bit like taikyoku shodan (blue) and heian shodan (orange), and heian nidan (red) is a bit like heian yondan (green) I remember all the katas like this... white and blue belt kata- to many turns Orange belt kata- I love the hammer fist/throw red belt Kata- I love the outar blocks yellow belt kata- reminds me of losing my temper or being angry green belt kata- I love doing the sword in the air purple belt kata- Going across the room alot Another way of remembering all the coloured belts is like this... using food etc white- milk blue- blueberrys orange- oranges Red- strawberrys Yellow- custard green- salad purple- ribena brown- chocolate brown and red/ higher grade- strawberrys and chocolate black- liquence I hope this helps if anyone is having trouble trying to remember everything about coloured belts and katas, in a way its helped me too
Recently I took part in black belt lesson for adults and we practised using sai's and how to handle them with only my left and right hand together and then practise a kata or movement with them. I really enjoyed that lesson, I thought it was really cool.
I am 25, I started Karate in October 2003 and at that time I was 24, and later this year I will be 26. Where I go to karate at the local leisure centre, there are members who are under 16 or at 16 years of age and already have their black belts.
I'd like to learn my kata's from a video called inspirational karate by ronnie christopher and sean roberts which is available to buy (via my sensei)from a catolugue called Bushido martial arts wear, but the video is so expensive, £19.95 for a 74 minutes video... why so expensive?. So I useally learn from books instead, which takes me a bit longer though.
I am doing Heian Godan (I'm a purple belt) at the moment and I am not looking forward to the high jumps, twist and turns etc In my karate club which as recently joined a world karate academy. Adults now do single grade ie single purple/brown/ and higher grade (brown and red) But surely if an adult is really really good at karate do they need to single grade aswell.
I try to tie my flat at the back as its more comfortable, but its very difficult when I can't see much even when I look in a mirror. Also I hate those really hard belts, here in the UK they useally have a washing label on them, my favourite are the hayoshi belts, they are so soft to wear, even if its a hard or soft one I come home after grading and break it, to make it even softer.
I try to tie my flat at the back as its more comfortable, but its very difficult when I can't see much even when I look in a mirror. Also I hate those really hard belts, here in the UK they useally have a washing label on them, my favourite are the hayoshi belts, they are so soft to wear, even if its a hard or soft one I come home after grading and break it, to make it even softer.