I'm replying regarding the outline I recommended in terms of diet, training and cardio which did not include 20 rep exercises (other than abs). Yes, to gain mass you really wan to focus on strict overload with the highest weight possible. I would recommend a rep range of 8-12, starting out. Then, once your comfortable switch it up to lower reps like 6-8 range. There is also an "total volume" intensity aspect which takes the overall volume of weight lifted into muscle mass gains. Such as: 10 reps with 225 lbs = 2,250 total training volume vs. 6 reps with 275 = 1,650 total training volume There are many training methods which point out that the overall training volume is the key factor in gaining overall muscle mass and strength. The key is to always train to positive failure on every set (after warmup). This way, you will always be taxing your muscles and applying highest level of intensity possible. Best of luck!