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Everything posted by Georgia

  1. I think that it has an especially large inffluence on the number of kids who want to join Karate or other Martial Arts. The only reason that my brother wanted to do karate was because of the power rangers and other such action characters. To those of us who are already practicing karate, we know it's nothing like that, but those who aren't really have no idea about it. My friends think I do flying spinning kick things, which I definetly don't. The media has made a large push on martial arts lately in films, comics, cartoons etc. it's nice to see that rather than guns and machines to fight with, but it gives kids bad ideas. I think the media has less influence in adults, but adults are still sometimes succeptible to those type of thoughts.
  2. Trust me, singing Star Wars is the least they can do. I'm 16 and I've been teaching for the past three years. I have no troubles with the adults, they look up to me, seeing as I'm the highest ranking student in our dojo (kind of sad really). The kids on the other hand can be monsters if they want to. I've heard them talking about guns, video games, toys, school, anything to avoid paying attention. There's this one kid who questions everything I do, saying, why can't we do it this way? I useually awnser that it's not the way we do it, and that people much more highly skilled than us made it that way, but he just replies that he does it that way in HIS style of karate (which is completely made up from his own imagination) Anyhow, I feel your pain.
  3. I haven't failed a grading yet, but mainly because I wait so long to grade that I know everything inside out. I have had to fail one person that I was grading before though, and I didn't like that much at all. It's hard, because you know that if you fail them they might give up alltogether. On the other hand, it is practically impossible to fail a yellow belt grading. As long as you have some idea of what you're doing and you've tried something, we pass you. At least in my dojo.
  4. Brown Belt (3rd Kyu) in Wado Ryu Karate
  5. I train in Wado Ryu Karate, but I have also trained in Shoto Kai Karate
  6. I started when I was 9 when my brother dragged me into it. He was hooked on Power Rangers and wanted to be like them, so he signed up and my mom signed me up too. I absolutely hated it for a while until I realized I was really good at it and that it was fun. I've been in it since then, but ironically, both of my brothers have quit.
  7. Thanks!
  8. God/Godess type: Burning Bush Worshippers: Monks (think 36 year old virgins) They show devotion by: Denying your existance
  9. lol, these are great!
  10. Macge Brehal Doe Chrysler of Ibuprofin
  11. When Sensei asks who's not sweating, DON"T put your hand up! If he asks if you're tired, always reply yes. Do not say no, I think I could do that a while longer. (I said this once when we were practicing low stance, not fun!) Do not throw training pads in a room with mirrors. (Our sensei did that one himself, it completely shattered.)
  12. I'm currently working on Kushanku and Nai Hanchi for my 2nd Kyu grading. I've done Pinan Nidan, Pinan Shodan, Pinan Sandan, Pinan Yodan and Pinan Godan as well in that order.
  13. In my style of karate we have a purple belt just before the brown belt. Our system goes: White (9th Kyu) Yellow (8th Kyu) Orange (7th Kyu) Green (6th Kyu) Blue (5th Kyu) Purple (4th Kyu) 3 Browns (3rd through 1st Kyu) Black (1st Dan etc.) I like this because it pretty much goes from lightest to darkest, but I really hated wearing a purple belt. I finally got rid of it a month ago. It seems kind of pointless, but I wouldn't like to have two blues or any other colours thrown in there, so it works for me. It took me a year after I got my blue to go for purple and a year and a half after that to go for brown. So if we had just two levels of blue or purple, I think my belt would have fallen apart. It was in pretty bad shape anyway, so it's possible.
  14. Hi, I'm also new to the forums, like everyone else in this thread I guess. I'm 16 years old, and a brown belt in Wado Ryu Karate. I've been training for 7 years now, and I love it! I look forward to meeting everyone here!
  15. Georgia

    Green Belt

    Congradulations! I train in Wado Ryu as well and I just got my 3rd Kyu (brown) I know how nerve wracking testing is, I hate it!
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