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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    shorei kai ryu karate
  • Location
    my place
  • Interests
    physicul culture, karate. anime, and slot of others
  • Occupation

karateka477's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. yes the stains due bug me alot so thats why i wish to clean. iwill be graudting to the next belt soon but i want and am supposed to have a clean uniform for my promotion.
  2. hey guys at camp my white belt got a alot of grass stains on it. so i was wandering if i should wash it with the stripes still on it or not? and any advice on washing a belt is also requested
  3. in the shorei kai we have 11 belts. white gold yellow orange green blue purple brown1 brown 2 brown3 shodan ho(preblack) black belt we have to get 8 stripes per belt till black belt i dont know about shodan ho but i believe to move up in black belt u haft to get 10 bars which are like stripes. i bleieve
  4. i started for many reasons but the main one is 2 of my friends also do it and well ive always wanted to be like my friend andy even if he does tang soo do i will continue shorei kai karate.
  5. i think i remember seeing a add about this. id love the chance to prety much do karate all day i would love it but i wonder if i could last
  6. well guys im back and well i must say it was alittle less than what i expeted. class was to short at 1 hr but seemed like half an hour. there were tomany little kids so it was all set up more for there enjoyment. even thou some of the little kids were just plain evil and showed no respect. granted i am a white belt and the camp inst perfect for them mainly shodan hos our pre blacks belts get the best experience since they egt to work directly with shihan. well i got another yellow stripe this one was for teaching. and the teaching was funny cause the little girl( also a white belt) had the funniest kiai. roar roar ill get my extra curricular dojo activiety stripe once i write a paper on my time there. made some kewl friends thats it for now guys
  7. i practice shoreikai karate i cant get enough of it
  8. hey shotokankid weres the camp youre going to located at? mine is located not to far south of me in trafalgar indiana
  9. my friend does kenpo when he can get to class. what he knows now is good for him even if some people thinks its bad. in the words of a friend who cares what martial art you know just please learn at least one.
  10. on sunday i am going to a karate camp that my school holds every year. i will be there for 5 days and almost everyday there will be 3 a day class or just karate training. my sensei says thinks i will should be able to get my gold belt at camp sinse im allready half way there. However i dont know for sure. well i plan on having a good time no matter what. anybody ever go to karate camps of any kind.
  11. hey guys sry i didnt tell what i got my 3 other stripes for yellow= history blue= rules of the school black= personal achievement thank you everyone for your support and encouragment, and best of luck to you in youre endevours
  12. hey guys im up 2 4 stripes now im haft way to my next belt. im proud and happy. well thats all 4 now
  13. i got it buy performing my 8 basics correctly. it is probly the easiest one but hey i am still happy i got it. thanks guys
  14. at todays class my sensei wanted to give the stripes for those who needed them and importanty earned them. i got one for knowing and for being able to perform them. i am very happy and will train harder as a result.
  15. thank u everybody for ur nice comments sorry if this is alittle late
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