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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. I was always exposed to MA. My dad watched the old Bruce Lee films all the time. Then the karate kid (where I got my screen name also) movies came out. Those movies really sparked my interest, but my parents couldn't afford lessons. But when I was 24, I got a job as a security officer, so I wanted to learn self defense for my job. I decided to start looking for a school. Age 25, I found my TSD dojang. I've been in it ever since (eventhough I no longer do security).
  2. LOL. I have that one, Kickchick. Ever since I heard it, I say "boot to the head" LOL. It's one of my fav karate related sayings now
  3. Hiya all. I'm not karatekid. I'm just using her computer. My name is Ann, and I'm interested Shotokan. I have my first intro class next week. karatekid told me a lot about the martial arts (which I've been interested in for years, but didn't have the guts to start till she talked me into it, and found me a school near me). But she does Korean MA. I was wondering about forms (she says hyung, but I think here you say kata). I watched her do them and I fell in love with forms. I was wondering what the names of the forms you do. Or post a website or two for me to look at. I'll get karatekid to help me with looking up the website (I'm NOT good with computers ..... she's helping me as we speak). I'll be here all weekend, so post a way. Thanks in advance Ann
  4. I agree with it 100%. It makes me sad to think how most dojangs (specally the mcdojang versions) turned out I long for the old days of training, eventhough I never was there, but heard about it from my old teacher.
  5. No you were right the first time, 360. What was I thinking?!?!?!?!?!? But that doesn't stop me from attending another school. I might have to put up with this one for a while, but I can find another school elsewhere.
  6. Thanks, Blue That's how I thought (and was trained in TSD) how it was supposed to be. I was chatting with my hunny after class about this stuff. He was a little "peeved" about the stupid trivial crap this (my school) has. He is also upset about the prices. I am too. The trouble is now, I'm stuck in a f**king contract!!!!! My advice is, never sign a 3 year contract.
  7. KickChick "Ok ... this is coming from a mother of 3. I was brought up by an Italian mother ... taught to cook, sew, etc., although my mom worked full time. (my dad passed away when I was 3). I helped her out by cleaning house and making dinner many a night!" Same here, Kickchick (Not the kids part, though. I don't have kids). My mom and Grandmom taught me to cook very young. I think the first time I helped my Grandmom, I was three. My Grandmom is an old fashioned Irish woman (very motherly type). She taught me how to cook some of the traditional Irish dishes. My mom (even though she is irish) cooked a lot of Italian food ...... yummmmm. So she taught me that also. I also can make soup from scratch (beef, chicken, stews, ect). I'm no pro cook or nothin, but I do fairly well. My hunny, on the other hand, loves to cook. He blows me outta the water when it comes to cooking. Eventhough we share the cooking duty, he cooks more than me (cause he's better ). We do "cheat" and go out to eat when one of us get paid. It's our "night off" of the cooking duties But sometimes that's bad, because my hunny will order something, love it, and want to find out how to make it (if he doesn't know already). He'll sit there and try to guess whats in it while eating As far as women doing all the work, my hunny was raised by a strict Catholic mother. She raised him to cook, clean, do wash, ect. So, yes it is possible to have MALES do house work as well as women And still treat a woman with respect. Yes, ladies, there are real men still out there.
  8. I don't know about TKD, but in TSD, they had a "masters" devition (sp?). They had all ranks, but 4rd dan and up were included in the masters one. One tourny I went to in AC, NJ had it. I was watching all these "masters" and high ranking BB's do some amazing stuff. I was totally blown away (I was just a green belt ..... the first time). I have pics, t-shirt, and goodies from that tourny. I had a great time there (and I was just watching ).
  9. Hey, hey, watch that Old Rookie. I beat your TKD ..... Oh wait. I do TKD now. Doh! j/k
  10. Sentry, I'm in the same situation as you. I came from TSD dojang. I was also learning Hapkido. I loved both arts. I was trying to find either or both arts here, but the nearest Hapkido school is 3 hours away. The nearest TSD school is almost 2 hours away But I found a good TKD school, and it's close enough to TSD.
  11. We also have the junior black belt. The youngest in my school that has it is 12. But you have to be 16 for the real thing (I think).
  12. Dang! I am slow. I'm da TSD buff here, and you (Kickchick and RF) are beating me to it LOL. Yes, Kickchick. TSD means "The way of the china/empty hand". Also referred to as Korean Karate a lot.
  13. No way. An 8 year old is not old enough to have/know the responsibilty of a BB. Yea they might have the physical part down, but there is no way they have the mental part, or the disipline, or the responsibility of the rank. Dee, as far as a little kids BB, like a black with a white stripe through it or something, may be a treat for the youngsters (but not a legit rank). And like your school, when they come of age, it should change to adult green belt. That's not a bad idea. And they will get the real thing when they turn 16.
  14. three60roundhouse wrote: "Hey, karatekid - here's a lengthy thread on that particular topic: http://www.karateforums.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1611&highlight=deal+month It kinda fell apart at the end but was pretty serious for a while...and luckily that has never happened to me!" Hee hee, that was good LOL. Well I have to say that pre-treating stains before washing does work (thank God ) I like my dobak. Its comfy. Like I said before, I wear it as PJ's often I go home after class, take my belt off, and go to bed (when I take night classes) Or I will sleep in the pants and a t-shirt. My dobak pants get worn to bed often. As far as in class, I don't have a problem with wearing a dobak, except when it's really hot and it sticks to me ggggrrrrrr.
  15. I would go back in time and record some of the history of some martial arts to get the truth. It's annoying to hear/read several stories about one art
  16. Thank you RF. You explained it better. I'm tired and started rambling LOL.
  17. shuriken_girl: I wouldn't say a rip-off, but TSD is almost the same as Shotokan/Shurin-ryu (sp?). Prolly the same as others as well, like kickchick stated. But from what I researched, Kickchick, Hwang Kee also studied Shotokan/Shurin-ryu, and "borrowed" the forms from there. Plus used Soo Bahk ki and one other (can't remember the name off the top of my head) to influence TSD. TKD was said to come from TSD. There was an arguement over orgs and such. So Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan went one way, and Tae Kwan Do Moo Duk Kwan was created and went the other way. Next thing you know, TKD explodes world wide. I am/was a TSD practitioner, but I moved from my "home" dojang, and picked up TKD
  18. In my old dojang, they had the newly promoted BB's do crazy stuff in the class after their tests. For instance, my instructor asked the lower ranks what they would like to see the BB's do, and he wanted it crazy and off the wall. So we made them stay in horse stance with a bo staff across their legs (if it rolled off, you had to stay in horse stance longer). Stuff like that. We made one group of BB's stay in horse stance, arms straight out holding weights for 10 or 20 minutes ..... ouch. That wasn't my idea, honest. My idea was holding a kick for ten minutes. If anyone ever had to hold a kick out, you know what I'm talking about. It hurts. But it was tradition to do this (letting the lower ranks torcher new BB's LOL). Anyways, both in this school and my last one had tuff BB tests. My old school's BB enderance test was the worst. Sit ups, push ups, running, marathon kicking (doing several of each kind of kicks), ect. It was ugly. Then they had to do tech stuff the next day. Forms, self defense, one-step sparring, sparring, breaking, ect. That means doing EVERYTHING you learned to that point. This school is tuff, but not as much stuff. You have to do 4 forms (but you don't know which ones they pick for you so you have to know all of them), several different breaks, step sparring (all of them, I think), sparring 2 to 3 on one, self defense, ect. You have to be almost perfect or you fail. Plus you have to run a mile or so three days a week for a few months (I think), community sevice, and you have to teach so many classes BEFORE you can test.
  19. I found out tonight something I don't like about white uniforms. My monthly ...... Um ..... the girls know what I'm talking about How embarrassing
  20. Bretty wrote: "Aren't Gi's the most comfortable things to wear when you have sunburn. Ouch! " The dobak don't bother me with a sunburn, the belt does! LOL The uniform is actually lose, so sunburn isn't a problem, but my belt hurts the sunburn Sai wrote: "I also made a slight modification to my gi top. I added some snaps; they help prevent accidental flashings. " Hehehehe good idea I wish I thought of that when I did TSD. I just wore a tank-top or sports bra under my uniform just in case My dobak pants have a second purpose ..... as PJ's hehehehe. My old ones are nice and broken in and very comfy. And I do have a problem with the pants (of the newer uniform) sticking to my legs when sweaty. I do hate that. I hope my expensive new uniform won't do that.
  21. I used to train 4 to 5 days a week (one to two hours each). My old school didn't have a limit on how many times a week you could attend. In this school, I train three days a week (one hour each). They say that we are not allowed to go everyday, because of the limited space (our dojang can fit 30 people in rows of ten). Give me a break. My old dojang could fit 40 people, but not that many people showed up all at once. And they don't here either (except saturday open class).
  22. I agree with 360. I like the Tae Kwon Do dobak, because of the Pull-over top (most girls do, so they don't end up "flashing" someone if their top came open ) The only thing I don't like is my school's choice of brands. My school uses centery uniforms, and mine shrank. I look like a dork with short pants and sleeves. So I where my old dobak pants (from my old school uniform) and roll up the sleeves. I ordered a more expensive one through the school. It might be more expensive, but I heard they last, so it'll be worth it. I also have the traditional dobak from my TSD training. Also white. That one is a Pro Force brand. They are nice, as far as washing. You can chuck them in the wash and dryer, and they don't wrinkle As far as getting them dirty, if ya don't get dirty during training (sweet, dirt, ect) you're not training hard enough Besides, that's why washers were invented
  23. Hiya all. I did a search, and I couldn't find a thread like this, so here goes. I have a quick question. My school does, Chin Na on top of TKD (plus tai chi in a seperate class). I was wondering if anyone knows a good site on Chin Na? My school does it, but (to me) not enough. If you know a site with movies/videos/mpegs, that would be awsome, too. Thanks in advance.
  24. Maybe he did misunderstand me. I'll chat with my instructor and explain to him that I want HELP/ADVICE not to "fight", per say, with the higher rank. Thanks all.
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