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Brighton | United Kingdom
Martial Arts: Meditation: My family & children
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White Belt (1/10)
Bottled up anger and Martial arts???
Empty Flower replied to Anakin_Skywalker's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
That,like the other answers here ,is a good one. Your right about denieng you can be angry. An old friend of mine is always angry but it comes out unexpectedly.He learned some judo, but then would use it (shamefully) to bully others when his rage got the better of him. Boxing is a good solution, because it has a sort of acountability factor. If you hurt your opponent unfairly thay just might have a bigger anger issue and hurt you more!! Good thread or discussion! EF -
Are you a Thug or a Warrior?!
Empty Flower replied to Empty Flower's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
You may like to find more information about Fudoshin here: http://www.furyu.com/archives/issue9/fudoshin.html This is a very good artricle,well written and researched. EF P.S. This is the basis of the quotation posted in an earlier thread which has been subsequently removed in order to honour the copyright of the author. -
Are you a Thug or a Warrior?!
Empty Flower replied to Empty Flower's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
That is a very honorable comment! The spirit of the Noble Warrior. For the other MA Brothers and Sisters who disagree with the idea of Fudoshin remember this: No one is imposing a definition or standard upon you - however, some 'choose' to follow this honorable path. EF -
Are you a Thug or a Warrior?!
Empty Flower replied to Empty Flower's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
I must appologies for my poor choice of words. Yes,you are right - it can only make failure more likely! EF -
Are you a Thug or a Warrior?!
Empty Flower replied to Empty Flower's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
An acute point Drag'n - well said! although their arts became more effective, they also became shallow. -
Email me at this address ! ludsgate@hotmail.com
Do you mean Dr.Tuesday Lobsang Rampa ? I have read all his books out of curiousity! Just to re-assure you, it is NOT neccessary to engage in an acy called 'Trepanation' which is drilling a hole in the scull. TLR wrote at length about this in the book you refer to. For anyone else reading this thread and books by TLR do not believe this has to be done.Opening 3rd eye is a gradually process and a natural one to the human psyche! It is about psychically awakening that centre and attuning it once again to the Tao or Creative Life Force of the universe. EF
I'm not sure if what you are proposing will actually have any effect upon your Chi or Third Eye what so ever! Although monks may be seen to place stones on thier third eye they are also doing something else and have put a lot of work into opening that chakra. It is simple, but it has to be done in the right way and requires patience! Many other ennergies have to first be awakened in the right and balanced way before you start working on 3rd eye. Never do anything that will create an imbalance.It is gradual progress that brings true power from within! EF
Constant Weight Training Increase Ki/Chi/Qi/Reiki energy
Empty Flower replied to Clarence's topic in Health and Fitness
You might find that constant weight training will actually inhibit the flow and deveopment of Chi! Don't forget you have 12 meridians or rivers of Chi in your body.These meridians are connected also to different organs. Western style weight training is not always good. Muscle development is related to a certain organ, if you do some research you will find some interesting answers. Where does your Chi originate from? I mean have you noticed a central point and what others ways have you found it can be deveoped. I'm trying to help as you seem very keen and inquisitive. Are you sure that the energy you feel after training is purely Chi? EF -
Reading through some of the very interesting posts here I see that quite a few people are worried that the style of MA they are learning will prove to be ineffective in a street fight. I can understand their concern, especially in these very violent times. However, I would like to make an observation. When you learn an MA are you not also learning to become a warrior? I think the Shaolin were referred to as ‘Warrior Monks’?! Another good example were the Samurai. The original practitioners of MA’s not only developed their bodies and martial skills but also their minds and spirits. They learned to meditate and had a good understanding of psychology (including their own!) What seems to be lacking in a lot of MA schools at the present time are these more holistic qualities. Most of the time students are taught a ‘sport’ and not an ‘art’. In fairness to instructors, a lot of students want the MA taught on their terms! They don’t want to learn an ‘art’ just a few flashy moves and how to beat people up! Spiritual focus is a huge key to becoming a warrior. Without it, are you just a thug? The Samurai did not fear death, neither did the Shaolin.The ancient Celts were formidable warriors – they feared not death and this made them very hard to beat! But ‘street fighting’ seems to terrify a lot of people. If something has that much control over you that it terrifies you, then how are you going to defeat it? If you are a thug, confronted with some one who is not afraid to die, what power do you have over them? Just my philosophical ramblings! All of the above is an IMHO and it is offered because I am curious as to what everyone thinks. My opinion on these subjects is not dogmatic! Empty Flower
Take alook here for quite a good over view of what various schools of thought think Karma means: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karma Hope this helps ! Empty Flower
The wearing of jewelry may inhibit the flow of Chi in some cases and some circumstances. It is not something I would be that worried about. One of the main reasons to not wear jewelery in class(apart from the danger of cutting on impact) is that the student is learning to 'feel' the flow. So initially the instructor would want to remove all 'energy' distractions to this end. It has been said, by those who do a lot of Chi or 'Intrinsic Energy' work that Gold accumalates Chi. So sometimes they prefer to wear Silver jewelry (like myself!) However, in an emergency and with a strongly developed Chi the 'flow' will be there no matter what. Eventually your Chi manifests of it own accord without your conscious mind and will directing it. Just out of curiousity, some taechers say that your individual Chi field or Aura reaches up to 30 feet around you on this physical plane! IMHO !!
Now that is an interesting comment! Thank you italia_guy. I'm interested in Karate as I did 'Ishinru' for a number of years and also kick boxing. When I say to people that I'm interested in 'Internal' arts they think I mean just chinese! Iwill follow up your suggestion as this interests me. Once again thanks. All the best, Empty Flower
Hi everyone, I'm a noob here. Always been interested in Martial Arts (especially Gung Fu). Spent a long time researching the philosophy of these arts and where and how they came about. 'Internal' styles attract me - I've witnessed first hand how deadly and effective they can be! It goes without saying that 'external' styles equally are as effective! But the internal aspects and the required discipline suit me the most. But ideally a balance of both would be my ideal art. Hopefully I can be of some help and meet some like minded people here.There more we use all this technology to talk and share, the more we develope our own approach to Martial Arts. That's just my "IMHO" You have got a really good balanced board here - well done! Hope to speak to you all soon, Empty Flower