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Everything posted by WudangDragon

  1. Although it says so in the movie, Ting (Main Character - Tony Jaa) doesn't use Muay Thai, he uses and older art called Muay Boran. The majority of the forms he does are fake and made up for the movie butaround three of them are real. Of these three, i can remember the translations of two - Monkey Over Moon Tiger Crouches In Shadow = )
  2. Ill start looking through YouTube etc. for the video. . . . it was on a VHS one of my friends had. I'll post the link once i find it =)
  3. Wudang is Kung Fu from The Wudang Mount but as it it mostly an internal system, it's not surprising you only got hits for Tai Qi Kung
  4. Im actually ashamed to say I can't bring a name for a Kung Fu Uniform to mind. . . . . I dont think it has a chinese name. . . .
  5. I think I saw that interview as well. . . . I think that this is just modesty as I saw a video of him sparring/training from about 1999/2001 and he was really good. . . . He is deffinatly a great martial artist and actor. . . not sure about a master though
  6. Ok, ill try and describe it. . . lol I jumped and spun to my right. After a full 360 degrees turn i was facing my opponent again (still in mid-air). I put my right leg out in a side-kick position, so that i was facing my opponent with my kicking leg out to the right. I spun the other 360 degrees with my leg in that position until my heel hit my opponent's arm, and i landed on the ground. And thats a well as i can describe the 720 spinning heel-kick. . . the whole thing happens in the air incase u didnt get tht. . . .
  7. yeah i did. . . his arm was by his side (the other was holding aloft the bottle has was attempting to smash over my head) and i hit him just below the shoulder. . . .he ran away with his tail between his legs. . . Wushu is great as a defence system, but the flashier moves are best kept away from the trained opponent
  8. My kung fu uniform is a kung fu t-shirt and traditional trousers, but i bought a cotton "kung fu jacket" specifically to wear outside - not to boast about my training or anything, simply because it is practical (i.e. is warm, has pockets - everything u need in a jacket) and looks cool and stylish (like Seraph from the second and third Matrix movies, or Jet Li from any of his countless epics). Ive seen quite a few people recently wearing them in Glasgow who have never had any martial arts training. . . . Like I said, i wear it not to boast about or advertise my training, or to try and get a fight - simply because I like the way it looks.
  9. I'm 6' and 9.5 stones and i dealt fine with my Wushu training. You can defend yourself with it, but I wouldn't advise trying it against a decent martial artist. I used a 720 degrees, spinning heel-kick to defend myself against a non-martial artist once, but to be honest, i was doing it to show off what i could do (the girl i fancied was near-by). It was very effective though. . . .
  10. In LJK Kung Fu we're told to pivot at least 90 degrees on the base foot but we can do 180 degree pivots if we feel comfortable with them. Either way is considered effective and will let you pass a grading in our art.
  11. Im fine with calling my Sifu exactly that because the way I see it, he (or she - depends on your situation obviously) has worked and trained very hard to obtain his knowledge and should therefore be respected for this. However, I feel I have been without faith for a long time and am considering looking to find an alternative religion (im currently Catholic). The main religions I'd look into are Zen-Bhuddism and Taoism.
  12. I use that strike in a walk for LJK. . . 'tis a Spear Hand Strike. When preceeded by a block it is very effective...
  13. I do three animal kung fu (Leopard, Tiger, Dragon). . . have dabbled in the other two (Snake, Crane) but didnt keep them up. Panther is a "second level" animal style and so isnt normally grouped as being one of the Shao-lin five. . . .
  14. "Ghandi or Abe Lincoln. . . . skinny guys fight till they're burger."
  15. We have sashes in LJK Hun Gar Kung Fu (worn like a belt, but about 3.5 metres long and wrapped around your waist a few times before being tied). The sashes go -> White, Blue, Orange, Green, Yellow, Purple, Brown and finally Black. As for a description of the Kung Fu animals, theres an OK section here -> http://homepage.ntlworld.com/j.kelly627/ And theres a section on the five regular animals and monkey/mantis etc. here -> http://www.shaolin-society.co.uk/Animal_Styles/animal_styles.php
  16. snake is flowing and fluid, very aesthetically pleasing as you said but it is quite direct. speed is key and very few blocks in the traditional sense are present - wraps, locks and "sliding blocks" are more widely used than normal blocks. ("sliding blocks" are non-static blocks- eg.u would push your opponents puch away from yourself rather than knock it away)
  17. ive heard of it, but not anything about it . . . . sorry i cant help
  18. bruce lee/jet li movies when i was younger, an interest in chinese culture and a will for self-improvement made me start kung fu and now i cant live without it and growing up on the wrong side of the proverbial tracks made it quite useful to be able to defend myself . . .
  19. "Bruce Lee's Fighting Method Volume 1: Self-Defence Techniques", "Bruce Lee's Fighting Method Volume 2: Basic Training", "Bruce Lee's Fighting Method Volume 3: Skill In Techniques", "Bruce Lee's Fighting Method Volume 4: Advanced Techniques", All by Mitoshi Uyehara and Bruce Lee
  20. yeah, i think it is (i dont do wing chun) but WC was bruce lee's original style, so it makes sense that he would incorporate some of the wing chun philosophy into Jeet Kuen Do
  21. The first 3 OUATIC movies are my favourite ever kung fu movies (the 3 other ones are dodgy ) just wondering if anyone else ad seen and loves them..... oh, how good is the intro song to Once Upon A Time In China ?!?! the one that plays when Wong Sifu is training the local militia on the beach ?!?! IT RULES.....
  22. probably a Kodachi even though it wasnt on your list....... or a suntetsu
  23. maybe u knew the guys behind you and thats how you knew they new some MA anyways, if i knew which two were trained, i would take out the bigger/tougher looking one (if i could) hopefully the other two would then give me a wide berth.....or run, then id help out the guy who was being mugged
  24. I spar all the time with one of my pals (we both do hung gar). If you think that Hung-Gar is too dangerous to spar with then you do not have control of yourself. If you know what you are doing, and keep your head in a spar its not dangeous. However, if you do not know what you are doing then odds on, someone will hurt.
  25. i do a form of hung gar and its really fun, very effective as well, dont know much about wing chun so cant say much about which is the better system. as for hung gar - the style i study in (Lang Jung Kuen(South China Fist)) has a good amount of kicks, but the emphasis is on punches and hand techniques, also speed is more important than power for both kicks and punches. there are blocks, but these blocks usually consist of a diversion block and a counter-attack, rather than a more common or conventional block. hope i helped, tried my best anyway lol
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