I basically need a written guide to getting 4 pack abs. Why not go 6 packs? Because I dont think i have the will to go there, so I will start small.. maybe even 2 packs would be fine. I am 16, going to be 17 in 18 Days. I weight 147 -150 (ranging between there) I am 5'8. I need to know workout routines, how many times in a day, how many days in a week. What should my nutriional plan be. I know cardio is involved, but how much do I need to exercise? Basically, I need the info down to the bone. Ive been researching and im getting confused. So my last alternative was to ask the people who have actually been through this and has the knowledge to guide me in the right direction. I read the FAQ but i dont think im getting enough information. I get easilly confused when reading on "how to-do" workouts. Basically I need a visual of someone doing it.