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Everything posted by kivikala

  1. Well, that clarifies alot. I have to ask, how politically/socially connected are you with the instructors of those schools? You need to apply marketing 101 on these people. The question, I am sure they ask themselves, which is either the deal breaker or maker is... "What's in it for me?" If you can show something that answers that question for each instructor, I think you will find the resistance start to disappear.
  2. hee, hee ok for the heck of it, I'll play... Applying attacking philosophy/training of sen-no-sen, the samurai should attack the moment the knight "thinks about" beginning his attack. The samurai should strike before the knight would even beable to raise his heavy (and slower) weapon. Thus, game over. If the samurai fails this, he risks being crushed by the broadsword. (not much will stop a broadsword once it gets moving.)
  3. My fav have been the tried and true oldies... Samurai Trilogy, Zatoichi, Lone Wolf and Cub...
  4. While in the military I learned a few languages as part of the job. Sadly I've lost much of them through disuse. Languages that I have (had) various levels of reading, writing and speaking comprehension in: Finnish (former native tongue) Swedish English (current native tongue) French Spanish (rather poorly) Chinese (mandarin) Japanese Thai Vietnamese Hindi (working on, but I think it's a lost cause.) I'd like to learn Esperanto, but pig-latin will have to do for now.
  5. Sadly consumer digital cameras are not designed to last very long. The problem you are describing tells me the power on/off switch is probably kaput. There may be a more serious fault in the main logic board. I seriously doubt there is anywhere you can get it fixed for free. With the cost of cameras dropping you can get a 5MP camera for less than the cost to repair yours. Face it, "It's dead Jim".
  6. The previous replies offer some really great advice. I've sponsored a few tournies in my day and it is hard work to get it organized, something I'd rather not do again unless I had substancial backing and support. I like the idea previously suggested of a contact division within a normal point based tournament. That sounds like a good way to test the waters. Jumping right in with a entirely full contact tournament, just doesn't sound appealing.
  7. I believe an unaffiliated school has to have strong leadership to stand alone. I don't put much stock in organizations. (Been there, done that, got the tee-shirt.) So, to me, an independant school generally offers a greater opertunity. The danger is an unaffiliated school can fall into a rut, become weak, or lose quality unless they have a solid foundation and a vision. Like any school affiliated or not, it is the strength of the instructor to make it noteworthy.
  8. When I started I trained multiple dojos during the same period. I always made sure that the "other" schools knew what my "primary" style/school was and I was here only for self-improvement. In competitions everyone knew who's "side" I was fighting for but I also would a cheer on my classmates in the other schools. Being upfront, consistant and true to my word gained me respect and friends in all the schools. This avoided any "uneasiness" when I would meet anyone in the ring. The other thing that was important in my view was to keep the trainings, and the ideologies of all the school separate. I consciously made sure techniques or kata of one school not creep into the practice at another. Only later when I became an instructor did I pick and chose what I would introduce into my own classes. Even then I still always identify it as either a ueichiryu, gojuryu, shitoryu, shotokan or whatever technique or kata.
  9. My first weapon was a double-barrel over and under shotgun. (boy did that make a mess of the dojo... just kiddin'.) Seriously tho, my first "traditional MA" weapon was a bokken. (BTW, the very one I still use today, some 47 years later.)
  10. I was refereing to a previous post, which... ... my terse reply is simple meant to provide some information. I am not slighting Hatsumi, simply pointing out certain "rumors" appear be false.
  11. Prowling around on the net I came to find for the Japanese Living National Treasures (Ningen Hokuho) there are 115 individuals. Masaaki Hatsumi is not one of them.
  12. My personal choice is not to drink, I do not see any benefit in my life from it. However, that said, I have no issue or comment to those that choose to. I do have strong prohibitions against anyone drinking prior to coming to class. But what they do after class is up to them.
  13. Being that my area is a bit thin on number of schools, and I know of 2 schools run by women which makes the percentage of women head instructors around here rather high. For my own school women seem no more or less motivated than men. Our classes usually have had pretty close to a 50:50 mix. In fact my current group is more like 70:30 in favor of the women. It's the guys who have to keep up with the class. But as for women who become blackbelts and instructors the motivation and dedication I'd have to say is the same.
  14. My instructor always told me to "view myself with strict eyes". By adopting this mentality I am always mindful to do my honest effort in whatever that may be. It is not to beat myself up but to continually examine my motivation, and sincerity.
  15. No wait, I am Sparticus! ... err, ops wrong forum
  16. As far as I can tell, it is Hayashi-ha Shitoryukai and in the past they have followed the WKF rules. (see: http://www.worldkarate.net/Competition%20Rules.shtml) They are posted there in PDF format. Contact is allowed but it is "light". the rules go into detailed specifics. They appear to be much like the WUKO rules I am more familiar with. Based on what I know of Teru Hayashi and his organization, the tournament should be alot of fun. Fast, furious and very traditional.
  17. Another thing to consider is that whether the school/org uses more or less colors in their belt scheme is what is the numerical rank which a beginner starts. Do they start at 10th kyu, 9th, 7th? or what? This could affect the "color spectrum".
  18. That's a interesting observation, however consider... in my situation, if a student screws up (ie becomes a school bully) they will be dropped from the class, thus, not get the required credit and have to repeat their current grade. I think that is alot of incentive to stay in line.
  19. Thank you, Andrew!, Hmmm, rock on a rope huh... I wonder what soap on a rope would be?
  20. Most of the names I read I can identify, but a couple got me, would it be too imposing if I asked you list "what" each weapon is? I'd certainly like to learn.
  21. When I trained with Ohshima (SKA) all rank gradings asked for 2 kata to be performed. The first was the students "favorite kata" (students choice of any kata in the system). The second was Mr Ohshimas choice which could be the "required" kata (kata kwanku for 1st dan for example) or any kata he felt like asking for. (below the rank being tested for.) Such as it was, if your "favorite kata" was the same as the "required kata" for that rank then you had no idea what the second kata would be. But if you chose a kata other than the "required" kata the odds were Mr O would ask for the "required kata" as your second kata. (But not always.) I've always liked this methodology, it's simple, focused, and injects enough uncertanty into the test to keep the students on their toes.
  22. Gee too bad the arts aren't outlawed! We'd get rid of the McDojos.
  23. Speaking only for myself, I do not believe board breaking serves any purpose what so ever outside of the entertainment biz. I strongly feel that children (especially under 16) should even attempt such a task. Sure I've broken boards at demos, but it's theatrics, showmanship and what the audiance wanted to see. Was it karate? no way. Childrens bones grow at an alarming rate. Any parent knows this just by the the number of shoe sizes they have to keep buying in what seems like every other week. Normal hand and foot development should not be put at risk because of a "fad" or for a silly theatrical trick.
  24. I've had to deal with McDojos since the day one. Back then I hated them, I wanted them wiped from the face of the earth. Well, that wasn't going to happen. I came to realize that they can be of use to me. Their advertising helps me as much as it helps them. I saved thousands of dollars thanks to their ads! They are a constant source of students (amazing how the dissatisfied found themselves on my doorstep). And without them what would be my source of free amusement? So there is a place in the food chain for them.
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