Anyone here have a Kamikaze gi if so give us a full report on how you like it or dont like it, I will be buying a new gi soon and i an having a hard time making up my mind.
We just redone the wood floor at my dojo most of the students did it after class on a Saturday we removed 6 pieces of ply wood put down new supports sanded it and put it back down and restained it ,reminded me of Karate kid floor up Floor down .LOL
I work for O.D.O.T. (Ohio Department of Transportation) i do road work and plow snow on the interstate and state routes,I train 3 times a week Taiyo Waskin Ryu .
I also sometimes feel the same way , we put extra pressure on ourselves because we desire to be good,I have had my yellow belt for a couple months and my Sensei asked me if I were ready to test for purple and I said you know better than I do.
Thanks for all the advice, the more the better the dojo sells Juka but sometimes I like to be different .Does anybody have elastic waistband ? If so how do you like is verses the string ?
I have taking Karate for about 4 months now and have to wash my gi after every training,I am looking to buy another any suggestions on a good gi below 50.00 made in U.S. or Japan?