Hello, I just happen to be a sudent of one of the sister schools. However, the instructor at eh particular school you posted about is an 8th degree black belt Master. his Name is Master Pearl. He has been doing this for for 26 some years (don't quote me on that). And it is a direct descendant of the school of martial arts created by Grandmaster Fred Villari. I assure you, this is actually a real credible form of martial arts. It is not merely useing the names ShaoLin (meaning young forest) and Kempo. If you research the art you will find that Grandmaster villari became a master of many different martial arts( 5 in total I think) and then he took the strength of the many arts and combined them into the current for that it is presented at these schools. All of the local schools ar taught by 3rd degree black belts or higher. And I have personally Met them all, and they are very nice. I hope this post helps and if anyone is interested in the schools... I am the webmaster of the Dallas Dojo. Unfortuanatly the page is still under construction. and if you have more questions I would be more than willing to reply.