Ialwaysgethit You a long list of comp kata there! - I would focus on half of those at most. Each kata especially for comp has a characteristic that you exploit to the max e.g. don't choose kanku sho if you don't like to jump or gankaku if you don't favour yoko geri keage. I take my best attributes and choose the kata based on that. jitte, jiin and jion do not offer elements that can be exploited in comp in my opinion, hence you will not see this much at world class level or even national. Dan grade kata tend to be the unsu, gojushiho dia/sho etc... Last point, a book can be great at telling where your body is suppsed to be, but it cannot fully realise what the rythmn, timing and feel of the kata. This is best extracted from someone who knows and shows. Filming is okay, but you do need to know what to look for in order to correct. Good luck! MM