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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    sanchin ryu
  • Location
  • Interests
  • Occupation
    education assistant

hajimekyu's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. That's why I didn't give a direct answer...I knew you'd have to find it for yourself based on your own priorities. Being in a similar situation I know that I'd choose the place where I could advance my existing skills and rank.After all,you can pick up kickboxing anytime and three months will not be a critical time period.I am moving myself in a couple of months and am hoping that I can achieve my 3rd degree brown belt before I leave.Working very hard at polishing what I know and learning all I can in the short time that I have left.No way would I move on to something new at this point.I'll be doing that soon enough.
  2. The three months will go by anyway.Might as well make good use of the time.
  3. And just imagine the desperation of that first guy who looked under a cow and thought, "I'm gonna tug on them things and drink whatever comes out!"
  4. I think it's the calcium that is supposed to help with weight loss.I have noticed that when I take calcium supplements or get enough from milk and yogurt, that I have fewer cravings for sugar and junk foods,and an easier time maintaining a healthy weight.One drawback to certain calcium supplements is that they can cause truly horrible gas problems.Best not to take them and then head for a workout at your dojo
  5. Thanks...and thanks for the link too She is going to be one spoiled piggie.We have hay,and good food and we are happily figuring out what types of fresh veggies and fruits she likes.So far,apples in small amounts,and spinach and carrots are happily munched on Celery is not a big hit.That's ok though.My African Grey is happy to eat the celery.They have more cavies at the shop now and I have to stay away or I'll convince myself that she needs a companion
  6. We wound up getting one.I couldn't resist the little creature.A beautiful long haired calico girl.She was there every time I went to the shop and she was the only one who wasn't skittish.She just nestled in the crook of my arm or tried to climb my shoulder to explore my hair.So I was walking around with her and the next thing I know,I'm picking out guinea treats and a home We named her Parfait because of her layers of color.But her nickname in Guinea the Pooh
  7. Jackson looks to be about 330 miles from where I'll be.But you never know,if I'm in the area it'd be great to check it out.I'm still researching what style to try if mine is not available.One thing that concerns me is the idea of push ups and that sort of thing as a penalty for not learning fast enough.I have a poorly mended collarbone so even a few push ups are hard to manage.The style I practice now doesn't really do anything like that.We just learn at our own pace and try to improve on what we can do.
  8. It's really hard for parents to overcome that advice giving instinct.Try a simple explanation of the teacher/student roles first.Avoid making it sound like you are undermining his parental authority.Just focus on the fact that they are both learning something new and in that sense they are on somewhat equal footing at this point.Later if/when dad slips and gives a bit of advice,you can use it to tactfully lead into a fuller explanation of the correct technique or strategy. You might be able to use his role as church elder as a good comparison point for the teacher/student conversation.For example,if he as an elder were leading a group discussion of church doctrine then it wouldn't be helpful if a less knowledgeable person were to try to "assist" with inaccurate information
  9. Cool...thanks! It looks like Athens will be around 25 miles from me,and a search turned up some interesting stuff.I might even be able to visit a class when I go down there this month
  10. Great article! I think it's somewhat unique to martial arts that to become an instructor one must first spend many years as a student working under the direct influence of someone else who has not only mastered the art but who has also earned the position of instructor.The requirements probably vary according to the type of martial art but are probably also very similar. For example,in Sanchin Ryu the right to wear the sensei patch has to be earned apart from any belt ranking.And it can be lost for inappropriate conduct.I was reminded of that recently when visiting a class out of town.I have some fears that result from past traumas.The sensei picked up on that and assured me that I was completely safe in his class because if there were ever a problem I could report it to the master of my home class who is also his district master.And it would go from there to our grand master who would deal with it accordingly. So there is a lot of accountability and a strong system of checks and balances that apply to anyone who instructs our classes.It's one of the things that made it possible for me to become comfortable and secure enough to start going to additional classes and workshops.It took a lot of time and effort but I have become far more relaxed and confident. Thanks for the great article
  11. Thanks...I'll look into that
  12. Right... that's why I included the location in my original post Monroe co is in the eastern part of the state near the NC line.I currently spend a few hours a week driving to classes in my area so if I need to drive a bit to get quality training in TN that's ok.
  13. I plan to be moving to Tennessee in early August.Going down the week of 6/13 to do some advance footwork.I am already fairly certain(and heartbroken)that the style I practice is not available there.So I will be looking for something similar.Two key points for me would be an art with an emphasis on close up techniques and strategies.And a relaxed class atmosphere is also important. I guess I'm posting this on the off chance that someone here may be familiar with the Monroe county area and could maybe suggest somewhere to start looking.I've done searches online but it's difficult because I know so little about other karate styles.Thanks for any help.
  14. S'aright...I'll give you a hand up
  15. For which style, Heidi? I'd like to see those videos (for the applications, that is). Actually that was me talking about the videos but you have to read it carefully to see that, on account of the posts having been moved.The videos I mentioned are from Sanchin Ryu karate and were put together by several masters and chief instructors under the direct guidance of our grand master.He also participates in some of the demonstrations.They were made quite a few years ago and it is always fun to go to workshops and train with people that you "know" from the videos
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