THE STYLE: Well Kobura-Do means "Way of the Cobra" and the style was first brought up by Sifu Trevor Gorringe and this is the concept on which our training is based. Like the Cobra, we should fear no one, be supple, but yet always alert. Like the Cobra we should have pride in ourselves and stand up to the challenge. KATAS: Wu Shu Kata - Meaning: (Military Arts or Martial Arts) Tang Te Kata - Meaning: (Open Hand or Chinese hand) Hork Yang Kata - Meaning: (Crane Style) Hontai Kata - Meaning: (Of Body and Mind) Ch'uan fa Kata - Meaning: (Way of the Fist) Ch'uan Shu Kata - Meaning: (Art of fist) Shaolin Kata - Meaning: (Young Forest) Himm Kata - Meaning: (Forrce or Power) Sen I Kata - Meaning: (Fighting Spirit) Shodan Kata - Meaning: (Black Belt Kata)