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Everything posted by d16turbohonda

  1. Yeah I cant wait. Ill keep that all in mind but for now its off to class. I need to tightin up on my one steps a little then Ill be ready for sure.
  2. Just wanted to let everyone know I test for yellow on Jan 20th and Im very excited. My teacher said its more of a demonstration than a test but either way Im going to do my best and make sure I hit every move. Ive had my orange belt sence ive been 10 years old(took a 13 year break lol) and cant wait to acheive my yellow belt. Ok thats it.
  3. Oh so its done by school IE my place I go to not ATA as a whole? Meaning ATA doesent have standard testing dates? Or do they?
  4. When is the next testing date. Cuase I want to be prepaired to get my yellow belt.
  5. Awsome! I spoke to my teacher and he said I can start somtime soon but he didnt specify what belt I can start at , all he said was I can start as a colored belt. Havent decited what weapon to go for but Im going to do some more research and see whats the most interesting to me. See yall later.
  6. WOW cool so does ATA let you start right away or is there certain belt you have to be?
  7. When I was in my last session I saw a yeloow belt with 3 stripes using the chucks and seemed good to me (no experience) and really looked cool . At what rank do you start weapons training and what weapons are availible? I could ask My teacher but I feel I will get a more realistic answer on here. Thanks.
  8. I think Ill stay in TKD and do alot of research on the different styles while im in it that way I dont make any RASH dicisions. Thanks everone. R.D.
  9. ok hmm i have a shrin ryu karate down the street for 10 bucks less a month should i give them a try cause everyone here local is ATA.
  10. Wow a hundred classes would take a long time if you went to a school that offerd it only wice a week. It would take like a year to get your blue belt or somthing. Damn!
  11. How does this work can somone explain? Im an orange belt and my instructor said we are going into the white,orange,yellow block. Does this mean I have to wait for the orange belt part to come around in 8 weeks? If so i mite just wait to sign up for more classes.
  12. I still have not found anything on the web or this site that shows me the white belt form or ornage belt form. I am going to continue to search but if anyone has pictures or video of the forms please let me know. EDIT- I found exactly what I was looking for but I want to know if these are the true movements for ATA. I dont remember there being one steps for white belts. Check it out tell me what you think. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.mendesata.com/images/songahm1.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.mendesata.com/forms.cfm&h=51&w=200&sz=5&tbnid=w3rR04HzsXsJ:&tbnh=25&tbnw=99&hl=en&start=1&prev=/images%3Fq%3DSongahm%2B1%2Bform%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26safe%3Doff
  13. My mistake she was a 3rd degree then now I hear she is a master.
  14. Port st john florida. Master Haskins used to be my instrutor back in late 80s early 90s now i hear she is a 5th or 6th black belt. She taught in cocoa beach. Im just so excited to get started. Im so ready to start sparring but I know I must learn more control and moves to be competitive.
  15. Hi all I started back TKD as an orange belt and I want to brush up on the white belt form before i start my next class. I also want to know the orange belt form and the 3 one steps that go along with it. The class Im in is ATA and they are on the block system so i think i need to learn yellow belt too but im not sure. Yes I have searched on here but did not find what Im looking for. What im looking for is a link to a site that shows the forms and explains them. I like to practice my forms so I know the moves then have my instructor perfect my forms. thanks for any help. Oh by the way how long does it take to go from belt to belt cause once i learn everything there is to laern about that belt then i like to test and move on.
  16. Can someone please give me a description of one steps 1-4 for SBD. A web site with pics would be perfect. Thanks.
  17. Thanks for the advise. Ill try to do as much sparring as possible. Hopfully my friends can help me this one LOL.
  18. Im going to compete in the Orlando Nationals this july. Im not sure if Im going as a white belt or orange belt yet. Any advise for a newbie to nationals/turnaments? Mainly on the sparring part.
  19. my dojan i found out tonight sells century gis They come with no School logo and are 40 bucks.
  20. I wish i could comment on this thread about a black belt but I feel that I am to new to Karate to give a real heartfilled thought to it with such little experiance.
  21. I started (Soo Bahk Do) karate at 22. I think like most people said on here that because you are older and a little wiser you can grasp the concepts a lil better and maybe progress a little quicker as well (not that thats important).
  22. thanks. im going to search at those sites plus check a local store i found.definatly will have one by this weekend (shipping permitting)
  23. I think its possible to attain a black belt respectfully in 3 1/2 years from a dojo that offers calsses 5 times a week. Most of the karate schools I was researching offers class 2 times only a week. When I saw that i thought to my self that what if i miss one day then I will only have one day of class for the whole week whitch is GAY! I currently go 2-3 times a week.
  24. Wheres the best online place for a Karate Gi and supplies? I can order one from my dojo but its 40 bucks. do you guys think this a good price and can I find somthing online for a better price? Ive been doing Karate now for a while now and I think id feel a little better going to calss with a gi.
  25. Thanks. I do like my instructer and dont feel that i could find anyone better for ME. I'm going to stick to him as my instructer. ok thanks again for your help.
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