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Everything posted by Faust

  1. I would like to know more about your group! Please check your pm- or post information here. Thanks!
  2. Thanks for the info CapitalKarate!
  3. These resemble solid baseball bats. The weight distribution is towards the ens though. a good 25 lbs. club will give you a good work out. If you google the word "clubbells" you will see what they look like. I will say: looks are deceiving! Kettlebells are another tool I am considering adding to my training regimens. What sorts of routines do you do with them? Thanks, Faust
  4. I recently acquired a set of clubbells- and only seen materials on training mainly from Coach Scott Sonnon's group. Is there anyone out there that also use these things for traditional asian arts or other methods? Interested to know. Thanks, Faust
  5. In the traditions I trained in, street clothes are worn during training. The respect comes from seniority and human interactions with that specific group. I think the belt thing really came from more of a Japanese tradition, with recent adaptations from the Taiwanese and various Chinese groups both in Asia and in the rest of the world. I was told that the teacher wears the sash differently than the students in certain Chinese arts.
  6. Not to offend anyone, but in my opinion, often the best practitioner does not necessarily make the best teacher, as the best teacher is not necessarily the best practitioner of the style. This comes from personal experiences with various teachers. Cheers, Faust
  7. I think you may be confusing the "hollowing of chest" with hunch-backedness. Alot of the Chinese styles emphasize the hollowing of chest to lengthen the reach of the bridges, and also allows the settling of the lower "kua". If you notice the dropping/tilting of the pelvis in coordination with the placement of feet and knees, you'll notice they are infact not "hunchbacked". One important thing I noticed, you need to watch how your chin is positioned while in stance. This allows better positioning. As long you are aware of that fact, I don't think you'll have a problem with having poor posture on a daily basis. Besides, most Wing Chun practitioners do not go around walking in combat position with hollowed chest Hope that helps.
  8. HI, New forum member. Back ground in filipino martial arts and various Southern Chinese arts. I am interested in establishing a dialog with Southern Mantis practitioners. Thanks! Faust
  9. Hi, I am new to this forum. I am interested in finding practitioners of Southern Mantis in the Phoenix Metro area. Thanks!
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