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  • Martial Art(s)
    Kung fu
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ManaZe's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)

  1. Thats how my side kick is, any higher than waist/chest high and I have no power, now with my roundhouse kick, i still have loads of power head high. BTW is it possible to get that power into those lacking high kicks? Anyone have any ideas on how to do so?
  2. https://www.trickstutorials.com
  3. http://www.balisongxtreme.com/index.htm This should help.
  4. I know of a great one if you live near chicago. pm me.
  5. http://www.terminalvertical.com/programs.html Check this out, it should help. and anything that makes your legs stronger can inprove your vertical. And calfs don't help "most". I mean don't skip over them or anything but jumping power has alot to do with your quads. so just check out the link.
  6. Do a search on google for nunchaku techniques. You'll find plenty
  7. I used to have a bad rage problem myself. I would just fly off the handle for the smallest sillyest reasons. It got to the point where the rage was so intense I couldn't calm my self down. I would punch walls and doors, I would smash things. It even came to where the only way to calm my self was to cut myself. Just the sight off blood was extreamly soothing. Well all that is about 3 years behind me now. I rarly have these fits of rage anymore, and if I do I no longer have to resort to hurting my self. What I would sudgest would be to take a honest look at your life and Try to identify the things that bring you stress and anger. You wight also want to start practicing zazen meditation. I know that this did a great deal to help me. Remember rage should never rule a martial artist. Look at it as you would any other probelm and find a solution that fits you. Maybe all you need is to find a good friend to talk to. In any case I hope I have at least some help to you. Good luck.
  8. No kidding. A shuto is a shuto is a shuto, but I've found like 4 different kicks all called a wheel kick. Freakin nuts...
  9. Most interesting. Thanks for the help
  10. Ah yes that helps alot, Thank you much One more question. I understand the chicken snap kick cuz there's a kick like that in my style, but how would you do a ckicken wheel kick? Thanks again
  11. Like a hook kick? Yeah I duno about the chicken kick. But It was like Chicken snap kick, chicken thrust kick ect. Anyways thanks guys.
  12. Just a few fast questions. I always enjoy reading about and comparing different styles, but alot of times moves and techniques go by different names. While reading over a list of kicks found in the kenpo style I noticed 2 or 3 kicks and did some searching on google but I can't find much info. So I'm just wondering if anybody can tell me what these kicks are. Wheel kick Chicken - wheel - snap - thrust... And what does it mean when it says "shuffle"... Like shuffle side kick.
  13. Triple Your Punching Power Overnight. By Royce Bunch.
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