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    MA, Weight Lifting

Liam_K's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. Hey, Sorry to sound negative I see workouts like this all of the time and it makes me laugh! You devote a whole day to your biceps/chest/Triceps and only half a day to your legs! Your calfs, quads and hams are a large group of muscles and deserve your attention! Look around on the internet for workouts grouped by movement and not by body-part, also try to concentrate on compound lifts. Good Luck Liam.
  2. Search for DOMS in Google : (here is a very brief explanation) Delayed soreness. DOMS after a workout is common, particularly if you aren't used to the activity. If, for example, you haven't exercised for 6 months, and then you suddenly walk 3 miles and do some push-ups and sit-ups, you may feel soreness over much of your body the next morning. You may also notice muscle stiffness and weakness. Such symptoms are a normal response to unusual exertion and are part of an adaptation process that leads to greater strength once the muscles recover. The soreness is generally at its worst within the first 2 days following the activity and subsides over the next few days. Liam.
  3. Hey Sam, You beat me to it! Lets hope the Stroud school do well ;-D Liam.
  4. Hey, Yeah Mr Hill's board is pretty tough! One day! I guess with rebreakables you would need to use spacers... I can't imagine anyone going through 4 rebreakable boards back to back... maybe I'm wrong! Liam.
  5. Hey, It's a bad idea to work your back the day after you work your arms, your biceps will be totally exhausted after working your back. I only do one set of reverse curls, apart from that I don't do any direct arm work! When performing compound exercises like bech pressing and chins, you use your secondary muscles to the full i.e. your biceps and triceps. I don't entirely disagree with tufrthanu, however, three days IS enough to complete a balanced wokout every week. If I only had two days I would use a full body workout. I'd also like to point out that many muscles are being worked twice a week with the split I suggested. For example: Lower back - day 1 & 2 Biceps - day 2 & 3 And there are more! Like I said, this is only a suggestion! Weigh up all of the advice and go to the gym and find out what works best for you! Liam.
  6. Hey, I also practise martial arts and enjoy weight lifting, I go to TKD classes twice a week and the gym three times, so it sounds as though we are doing something pretty similar. A four day split would be ideal, however, time is always a factor so three will have to do! I have been doing the following split for a couple of months now and have seen great results; I have got stronger and bigger. CS = Cluster Set (first of all find out your 5 rep max) perform 2 reps-wait ten seconds-perform 2 reps etc... until you have done the required number of reps) SSWB = Super Set with below (complete one set of the first exercise-wait one minute-perfom one set of the second exercise-wait one minute-perform 2nd set of the first exercise-etc...) SS=Straight sets, perform as normal with the maximum weight that allows you to complete all of the reps) Day 1 Snatch-grip Deadlift 4 x 10 CS SSWB Standing Single Leg Calf Raise 5 x 8 SS BB Good Mornings 4 x 10 SS DB Lunge 3 x 8 SS Uneven BB Side Bends 2 x 10 SS Plank Hold BB Roll Out Day 2 Incline Dumb-Bell Press 5 x 8 SS SSWB Bent-Over Row 5 x 8 SS Seated Dumb-Bell Cleans 3 x 10 SS SSWB Decline Close-Grip Bench Press 3 x 10 SS Standing Reverse Curls (Holds) 3 x 12 SS Single Leg Back Extension 3 x 12 (each leg) Weighted Sit-ups 3 x 12 Day 3 BB Shoulder Push Press 4 x 10 CS SSWB Weighted Chins 4 x 10 CS Dum-Bell Cuban Press 3 x 10 SS SSWB Weighted Dips 3 x 10 SS Dumb-Bell Pullover Press 2 x 12 SS SSWB Bent-Over Lower-Trap Raises 2 x 12 SS Weighted Sit-ups 3 x 12 I hope this makes sense! obviously I'm not saying this is what you SHOULD do, just that it works for me and I believe it is a balanced work out. You said you will be working out Thursday and Friday, it's a really good idea to get at least 48 hours rest between workouts, especially if you're working the same muscle group. You will need to choose which exercises you do on what days carefully to avoid over-training. Good luck! Liam.
  7. Hey, The organisation I train with don't actually allow breaking until you have reached BB (which I don't agree with!) Hence I ended up buying my own boards and breaking with a friend.... So as far as the school paying for boards etc... i don't know! I have the rebreakable boards with the 'S' type joint, my friend who trains with a different organisation also uses the same boards. I was aware that they would ware out over time but was unsure of how much... even so, I believe they still offer a good alternative to the real thing. I bought mine online for 18 quid each... Liam.
  8. Hey Guys, Woohoooo....I just broke my first board with a hand/arm technique other than an elbow! and it feels great! What technique did you guys first use to break? What's your current favorite technique for breaking? Take care. Liam.
  9. Hey Sam, Try here: https://www.academy-sports.co.uk They are made of metal and are adjustable to three different heights... they are a little pricey though! Cheers Liam
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