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Bruce lee kid14

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Everything posted by Bruce lee kid14

  1. Hey I was just wondering if this is a pretty good routine to cut and get a 6-pak every moring i get usualy get up at 5:30 am to get ready for school but instead since mabe last week i've been getting up at 4am doing this in this order stretch for 10 mins then do this...... 1st waist twists-4 sets 90 reps with 10 lbs.weights 2nd Leaning waist twist ( touch toes- 4 sets 90 reps same weits 3rd sit-up twists 4 sets 45 reps 4th leg raises (strait up or side kk as high as I can) 4 sets 50 reps and thats it then when i get home i do the same thing right after i run for 30-60 mins . is this good for pretty fast results? just wondering (p.s. just a thought think about sweating out some of your water weight along with bruning calories and fat. then think about the results after a while) if this isnt good enough got ne ideas. art is the mastery of techniques,reflected by the soul- Its not what you do,but how you do.- =BRUCE LEE=
  2. jet li and jacky chan are cool but my number 1 most fav person of all time is BRUCE LEE ( though u could have probobly figured it out by my name lol )
  3. just for the whole agression and fighting thing... Its ok to have agression not many ever feel,notice or know about but your agression builds your adrennalin giving your body a little bit more power. for fighting dont go looking for a fight let the fight come to you. If some big idiot messes with you just remember it doesn't matter about size or power. some other weaker or smaller person could have a technique theat would lay out a guy 2x their size,weight, or power. --art calls for the complete mastery of techniques,developed by reflection within the soul- its not what you do,but how you do.- bRUCE LEE
  4. ok my turn......i think....uhhhh...O ya here Yo moma so fat, she fell in love and broke it this 1's sort of a martial arts joke its only funny if ur smart enough to get it and if u have a good sense of humor. yo moma so tall, when she does backflips, she dropkicked jesus.
  5. some people think this doesnt work but once you master it and make every hit contack were it needs to be it can hurt alot. -5 hit combo- left punch high, left kick high ( head), right punch middle ( chest or stomach) left punch mid ( same) right kick low ( preferably the leg,thigh, side of knee) and thats it do carrectly and the last low kick should make them collaps down to rub the leg from the pain or just to break down. pretty cool combo looks alot better when seen inperson by some1 whos done it perfectly.
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