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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Chun Kuk Do, some Tae Kwon Do
  • Location
  • Interests
    MA's, Skateboarding, and almost any sport.

ckd-student's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. I really want to learn to do a back flip on flat surface. Ive been able to do them on trampolines and diving boards easily. Just 2 days ago I did them off the flat ground into my pool landing on my knees. I did this about 50 times. I got a cusion and put it on the ground and wanted to do it onto it but it was scary so I didnt. Any advice anyone? Or any good sites. Also my abs are very very sore. Anyone know why?
  2. i usaully get 9-10 hours of sleep but Im always tired in the morning.
  3. since im a track super star (5 min mile) at only 5' 3'' I know I can deal with 5 miles every day since I actually have been in a 25 mile marathon and a 10 mile bridge run. Im more worried about the weights and lifting part of the program Im trying to do.
  4. mabey you just grew lol. it happens to everyone
  5. For the past two weeks ive been lifting every day and have noticed my muscles look much bigger. Especially the crunchs are paying of because Ive got a 6 pack without even flexing Oh yeah my goals are to win 1st place in all sparring tournaments (so far ive won 1 tournament (my first ever) and want to win more). I also want to be able to walk the streets confidently knowing that not much can stop me. Since Im a skinny short white guy Im a target.
  6. I got a bud who is a red belt lives in Charlotte. Ill give him a call and get back to you.
  7. anyone know Like a overnight camp?
  8. Wanting to get fat....??!! Thats odd.
  9. P: Sir, please step out the car we are going to perform a strip search. Y: Ok but I get to do you next. P:Sir, why were you speeding. Y: Well if you really want to know its cause I didnt want any cops to see me kill that guy in my trunk. P: You have thhe right to remain silent...blah blah blah. Y: You have the right to STFU!
  10. When you think you can dodge cars. When you compare yourself to anime characters.haha
  11. One time in my class with the young kids we had a "ready stance contest" where you could not laugh, giggle, move or anything and you had to look straight and keep a straight face. If you laugh or anything you lose and sit down. My sensei made many people laugh but had trouble on me. He started singing the barney song and I cracked it was so funny.
  12. i carry my deadly stare and the enemy flees like this ---->
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