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Everything posted by InsaneTigerCrane

  1. dont start a fight. but you dont put up with crap like that either. dont let let yourself be pushed around. if he hits you again, and you DO make the decision to hit back. go after him with EVERYTHING. he's tall, but theres plenty of low places that hurt like hell. even if he still wins. if you hurt him good, he wont hit you anymore. be smart about it too, i'm not promoting violent behavior, but you can't just let people hit you like that. try not to get in trouble unless it's unavoidable. forget about learning a few martial arts moves that probably wont do you much good in your sitiuation, you don't have time to master a martial art if this guy is bullieing you now. either be a runner or a fighter. the best way to learn how to swim, is to dive in.
  2. never thought of that before. (pretty cool).
  3. blinking is a common problem. just keep making note of it when it happens and why you think it happened. you'll improve. i see bad blinking and flinching problems in students who have a (dont get hit, dont get hit ) mentality, rather than a ( is it clear to bash him ) mentality. think about it.
  4. i'm a conservative kicker as well. you really need a lot of speed and accuracy to deliver a good high kick in a real fight. still... the high and fancy ones are fun to practice, and still help build power for the kicks you you throw more often.
  5. accuracy, timing, speed, focus. very good training equip.
  6. heavy bag hanging speed bag sparing equip matts weights target mitts kicking bag
  7. hey stephen lee does your pvc design really work well?
  8. people love striking the face period. with, or without face gaurd.
  9. i have a free standing bag, and i have the base filled with water. i can punch the crap out of it and it will almost fall over, it moves around too much. also the height adjusts which i thought was pretty cool but if you hit it hard it will come off the notch and fall down to the lowest setting. the bag works, but i still prefer hanging bags.
  10. too pricey without the same benefits of free weights
  11. i buy cheap handwraps all the time at academy or oshmans for less than 5 dollars. what kind of hand wraps are you talking about dude?
  12. if your lifting three days a week. try compound sets. by that i mean target a specific group of muscles and make sure you get a full pump that day. an example of a compound set would be working out your triceps and biceps at the same time. that way you can can a full pump for that full region and not work them out on opposing days. so just keep it simple. do your legs on day 1. your biceps triceps and shoulders on day 2. and on day three do your back chest and traps. another reason for that is you might not want to work out your arms and your chest on the same day because you have to use your arms in order to work out your chest. if you do it this way you can focus on your chest a lot more without stressing your arms. your abs should be done at least every other day regardless if your working that day or not. there easy to do and you can quickly do some sit ups anywhere.
  13. do them both. you'll feel the difference. forget doing sets of whatever number because it becomes a pattern your used to achieving and you wont want to do more. just make your sets as many as you can do till that specific ab region you are working out fails. your core region will strengthen more quickly.
  14. my tiger crane is a mixture of southern tiger and northern crane. at first you train them seperately so you can understand there distinct differences. northern styles use longer range of movements and utilize more kicks. southern styles are more tight, close range power, and use really low stances. cant say which i think is better if you can even say one is better than the other. my body is more adept to northern styles cause of my lean body structure, but i like close range fighting more. it's difficult to show in clarity when your using a southern or northern technique in your forms. i dont' know if i answered your question but i hope i gave you at least a little insight.
  15. left hand open to right fist is how i do it. it's been done that way since the chin dynasty. i believe it was a symbol ( salute ) created to show or promote the return of the ming( the dynasty were shaolin kung fu was at it's highest) and also to show that you yourself were virtuous.
  16. my sifu used to award us small stripes or a sash after completing a certain level of training.
  17. are you talking about an actual fight club, or are you talking about fight practice (sparing)? if your thinking about trying to make a no holds barred fight club quit thinking about it....... if you want to PRACTICE fighting under crontrolled sparing conditions with a lot of different people from al lot of different styles per say. i suggest visiting a lot of different schools in your area and seeing if any of them are interested in comparing techniques on a personal time and disclosure.
  18. i like sevenstar's order. i lift weights about 4 times a week. i work the bag every other day. but if you want to go pro you got to run for stamina, and of course you got to practise sparing.
  19. my first weapon was the goon. (staff)
  20. dude. if you want to learn to how to defend yourself WELL, just pick a school, doesn't matter which one there all good for defending yourself. that's what they were designed to do. just pick one pour all your heart and time into it, and MASTER IT.
  21. they can all be beneficial forms of sparing, and should all be practised. full, medium, or light. but the no contact thing is really strange to me. i went to a no contact soo bok competition a couple of times. they had three judges all trying to decide wether or not they thought the guy on the left WOULD HAVE hit the guy on the right so they could call a point. strange (just strange)
  22. bruce lee said that the legs are longer weapon than your arms, making them able to create a more powerful and devestating blow to your opponent, but he also said that essentially the fighter with better punching skills usually wins the fight.
  23. use the skills you know, practise hard core sparring and conditioning, then do some research on other styles and techniques. change it up and do more hard core sparring and conditioning. go to different schools and spar with them, find out what works for you, then call it sid vicious MA's. I SUPPOSE that would be the best way to make your own style.
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