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Everything posted by Mith

  1. on May 14th with a broken foot and passed
  2. I waited nine years to have surgery after I tore mine in 1992 playing football. My knee used to "trick out" all the time and I don't know if I ever recall a cracking sound. I guess it is possible. Has your knee swollen up and did they aspirate it? If they aspirate and blood is drawn out then you definitely have a torn ligament. You need to pay an Orthopedic surgeon a visit to get some tests run. They can tell you what you've done. Good luck to you.
  3. for squats, leg extensions, and calf raises.
  4. there are four ligaments in the knee that stabilize it: Anterior Cruciate Ligament Posterior Cruciate Ligament Medial Collateral Ligament (also known as Tibial Collateral Ligament) Lateral Collateral Ligament (also known as Fibular Collateral Ligament) The ACL is the one typically torn and is the main stabilizer of the knee (seems an uncruel joke that such a small ligament is the main stabilizer for the knee). The ACL and PCL cross over while the MCL and LCL are on each side respectively. Typically if the ACL is torn there is also cartilage damage to the knee. Which type of graft did you have?
  5. story. Truly awe inspiring. Your friend is the true definition of the word ENDURE.
  6. I did. Rolled the foot on the dojo mat and it broke the bone. Still passed my belt test though even with a cast on Was just curious if anyone else had done something like that.
  7. a sesamoid bone in their foot?
  8. rubbing your feet in powder (with cornstarch in it). We have mats at my dojo and let's just say that rolling your feet on one is a very painful experience.
  9. Norris practiced Tang Soo Do & then made his own Chun Kuk Do which is based off both Korean and Japanese/Okinawan teachings.
  10. Aziz Kheder ~ 17 time world champion and one of the coaches for the US National Team.
  11. we have used called "Power Pops." An old Marine showed us this one in the gym one day. It's basically bench pressing standing up but man oh man do your arms and shoulders get blasted.
  12. The running probably won't make it feel better but doing leg exercises will definitely help! A big stabilizer of the knee is the hamstring... Sqauts, Straight Legged Dead Lifts, Leg Curls, and lunges are all excellent exercises for working the hammy's. You'll also want to work your Quadriceps. No guarantee that this will alleviate your pain (especially if you have some torn cartilage which would be hard for your doctor to detect) but it will certainly stabalize the knee. Good luck!
  13. if you have any swelling at all with a twist then there is a real chance that the ACL has been partially or completely torn. Typically the swelling is blood collecting in the knee joint from the vessels in the ligament tearing. If you have lost any stability in the knee (i.e giving out or whatnot) then you probably should go see an orthopedic surgeon for him to assess it. They have this test where they can determine if the ACL has been torn (along with MRI's). A good knee brace may help. Please take a look at Donjoy and Townsend. Good luck and Godspeed on your recovery.
  14. So you gained 20lbs of ROCK HARD MUSCLE in 10 weeks... that would only leave you two more weeks to gain the last 10lbs of MUSCLE. Not possible without an anabolic agent. This guy is 15 years old... his metabolism is probably very, very fast and it would appear he could be classified as hard gainer. I hope Radok's program works for you friend. Good luck!
  15. unless you use an illegal substance and that is definitely not recommended for anyone... especially at such a young age. You would need to consume around 5,000 calories per day and in addition to the muscle you would also gain a substantial amount of fat that would require you too go on a cutting diet which would also cause you to lose some muscle. So it's a catch 22! 30lbs of muscle is achievable in a 9 month time frame with hard work and proper diet. You may be able to look into creatine to help but mostly it's gonna be a sound diet, good workout habits, and plenty of rest (remember muscles are built when you rest!). Good luck but please take a realistic approach!
  16. does have side effects. Upset stomach(with diarreha), increased blood pressure, and some effects on the kidneys have been documented as well as few others. A lot fo companies do not have a pure creatine either so be careful of what you buy and do some research. I have not taken it in the past few years so I am not certain of what the market is like now but Creapure used to be pretty good. It does work but for everything that works always remeber there is a price that must be paid. if you want to gain mass you need to eat 1.5g to 2.0g of protein per lb of bodyweight. Eating SIX meals a day is key as it keeps your body fueled the entire time. Look up SWOLECAT's diet... it is one of the best!
  17. I really enjoyed that and it helped me as I have been doubting myself lately. Thank you... I will write my own destiny!
  18. Mith

    Fed up?

    My brother-in-law used to give grief and say Sensei every time he saw me. Unfortunately for him he plays tennis and me calling him Arthur Ashe put a stop to the Sensei stuff
  19. why do you want to boost it? Most young men already have a high circulating volume. Exercising causes more of the hormone to release as well as HGH (when resting).
  20. straight leg deadlifts. These work the hamstrings hard and are easy on the joints. It's better to use a barbell but I am sure it can be done effectively with dumbbells.
  21. http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/shoulders.htm
  22. when working these as a lot of folks do not realize that there are several smaller muscles that work together in the posterior delts and they use too heavy of a weight. One excercise you can do to strengthen them is to lie on your side with your bottom arm outstreched. You elbow will be bent so that your free arm is at a 90 degree angle. Then grip the dumbell and lift it up keeping your elbow locked into your side. You will feel it work I will try to find a diagram for you and post it later.
  23. do Shotokan Karate instead. Found a great dojo and a great instructor. Thanks!
  24. last night. Since I have to take the later class I am with quite a few blackbelts but it worked out well because they were all very encouraging. Thank goodness for all the crunches I did in the military or I would not have been able to do all of the after workout excercises! The Sensei was great and after watching me for a bit began helping me correct my form. Very encouraging. I will keep you guys posted on how the training goes. I am concerned about learning the kata's as one of the higher level students mentioned I should try to come earlier for the beginner classes (unfortunately my work schedule will rarely allow that) but I am not deterred. I did want to add that after that first lesson... I think I might be hooked! Mith
  25. folks. Very much appreciated. I watched the class last night and was very impressed. I spoke with the Sensei and he understood my knee injury as he has the same injury (although he has opted not to have surgery yet). I had to have surgery on mine after nine years of it popping out and doing damage as it was on the verge of collapse. Anyway... there is another student in the class that had the same surgery and the Sensei is fine with us wearing out metal braces. I asked him what he thought about sparring and he said that if someone kicks it they will soon learn that it is not wise to kick that knee. He told me to look around at other schools (I have looked at three total) and even feel free to come back and try a class for free one night to see what I think about it. I think I will like this dojo as it really seemed like the whole place was one big family. Thanks again for the wonderful advice! Mith
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