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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Judo,Hung gar, Jiu Jitsu,Aikido,Kuk Sool Won
  • Location
    Calgary a.b. Canada
  • Interests
    martial arts,powerlifting,VW's,Dogs,Life,and world peace
  • Occupation

DOGDEFENSE's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. KarateKid7 Seven Star knows his stuff he has lots of knowledge. I would also like to give you some info on the topic of Nutrition. I have searced for years for solid and easy to understand info on the subject. It can be pretty confusing and its difficult to eat like all the info tells you. Instead of me posting lots of info here try to find a book in your local library called Power Eating by Susan M Kleiner. I have the second edition.If you are serious about gaining weight (MUSCLE) read that book and train hard. Good luck ps I would assume that you being in education means you attend school. Do they not have a Gym facility you can use cheap.
  2. Burpees if you don' t have any weight as well as heavy bag work. Squats if you tran with weights at all. I like a combination of all three.
  3. standard warm-up, breakfalls,soo and techniqes, and finish off with forms. We are incouraged to focus on these aspects. We don't unfortunatly spend a lot of time on groud work or sparring at this time.
  4. Hello fellow Kuk Sool Won Practitioners, on behalf of the Kuk Sool Won of Calgary West School. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and our School to the KSW community of Karate Forum. My name is Elroy Brooks and I am currently at the belt level of red stripe. My Instructor here is KJN David Williams from the U.K. and we are now glad to have him here in Calgary Alberta to teach us Kuk Sool. I personally have been with the club for only 15 mo. But our school has been in operation for 2 years and currently we are at approx 15-18 adult menbers. I look forward to corresponding with other members of Kuk Sool and various other martial arts. I would also like to extend an invitation to KSW members to come and train if you are in the area. Looking forward to talking with you Regards Elroy Train hard, Stay hard DOGDEFENCE
  5. If you are still interested in a lifting routine here is a great power BUILDING routine that I have found very effective. Being a martial artist you are most likely as I was concerned with building a strong muscular base to augment your training without living in the gym. This program is based on a rotation of between 65%-80% of your possible max lift with strict form and steady motion. Remember the secret here is maintain tension on the muscle throughout the movement. Always remember to add static stretching at the end of a session, and always warm up well especially when working with weights to avoid injury. Yes twice a week is all you need especially if you are running and training your art hard. Monday: Wide grip flat bench 2 x 6 (index fingers on the rings) Decline medium grip bench 2 x 6 (pinkies on the rings) Weighted dips 2 x 10 Squats 2 x 5 Leg presses 2 x 5 Calves (your choice of exercise) 2 x 10 Thursday: Dead lifts (rotate variations each week) 2 x 5 reverse hypers, pull thrus 1 x 10-15 Bent over rows 2 x 4 Reverse grip narrow grip pull downs 2 x 6 Standing wide grip curls 2 x 8 (or your favorite curl here) Upright rows or side laterals 1 x 10 Abs 2-3 times a week depending on individual Usually 4exercises for one set each of 20-30 reps slowly try to contract throughout the motion. No more that 8 inches of movement as in crunches. If you are unfamiliar with any of the exercises look up this site http://www.bsu.edu/webapps/strengthlab/Home.htm Train hard, stay hard
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