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Everything posted by taikyoku_forever

  1. LOL!!!! Holy cow I would have loved to see that one!
  2. (then again, you might want to ignore my advice... My rank's still pretty low and I do karate, not kickboxing, hehe)
  3. Aww! *hugs Ben* I saw the title of your post and can totally sympathise! Sometimes it really feels like you've hit a glass wall and just can't get any farther. But if you view it as one big learning experience, and keep your spirits up, you'll break that "plateau" in no time w00t! lol
  4. Um... what do you call cheese that isn't yours? Nacho cheese What did the fish say when it hit the concrete wall? "Dam!" Why's 6 scared of 7? 'Cuz 7 8 9 and 10... Okay, I'll stop while I'm ahead. Those were some pretty bad jokes
  5. Heya! I just started Kyokushin karate this year and the name says it all... Anyway, yeah, that's pretty much all I can think of to write, so how y'all doing? lol *waves*
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