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Everything posted by Pogo

  1. Should beginners be given weapons? In my school we dont use weapons till we are brown belt. I was wondering what your oppinions were on the matter.
  2. It hurt my PRIDE.
  3. Thanks for the info Ill check them out.
  4. And I out ranked her. And on top of that she is vary LAZY.
  5. Point sparing. She just kept pumping her side kick
  6. Guys hear me out. How do you feel about loesing to a girl in a fight. (Sparing not street fighting) doesent it feel weird. Because you start to think to yourself what if it were a real fight would I lose give me your oppinions. THIS IS NOT AN ATTACK ON ANY OF THE LADIES NOTHING THAT IS ERITTEN IS MENT TO BE SEXEST IN ANY WAY.
  7. What is the best karate movie?
  8. Pogo

    K-1 Fighting

    Im am sorry for the insults I will try to watch moore and then I might restate my oppinion in a later post.
  9. I like what my pastor friend said a short guy who knows karate can beet the taller guy but if the taller guy knows karate the little guy doesent stand a chance.
  10. Pogo

    K-1 Fighting

    Notice when they kick. It is not vary focust usualy thrown in a hury. PS. is it just me or are people getting defensive over this POST.
  11. Well my Moms dad was in special forces green beret. Were he studied the martial arts then his two sons, and my mom studied it; and one of my uncles recived silver medal for his fighting in the olympics. My dad taught himself most of what he knows and now he has finaly joined my class. were he looks kind of funny all in white.
  12. Pogo

    K-1 Fighting

    What have you been watching?
  13. Pogo

    K-1 Fighting

    I hate it when they use no form and they look like they are in a bar fight.
  14. Pogo

    K-1 Fighting

    Concord jones karate traditional Japanese. GoJu Ryu
  15. Pogo

    K-1 Fighting

    Charlotte area.
  16. Pogo

    K-1 Fighting

    Maybe you guys are right I must have caught a couple of bad maches I personaly like to watch the light weights as apose to the heavy dudes. Second maybe sucks is to strong a word. How bout we compare light weight to heavy weight and there styles of fighting.
  17. Pogo

    The BEST

    Speeking of bad leg. My right leg wont extend all the way during a spin kick its gotten better over the yars but its still not all there. How do I fix this?
  18. Pogo

    K-1 Fighting

    What do you guys think about this K-1 stuff? I personaly think that the dudes kind of suck. But I do respect the training that these guys have been through.
  19. Pogo

    The BEST

    What should I focus my practices on?
  20. Pogo

    The BEST

    What does it take to be the best in the tournaments.
  21. Pogo


    I have bin at my GoJu Ryu Karate School for over 4 years Im almost a blackbelt but now it looks like my family is going to move out of state. So! My question is what should I do to make my transition to a new Karate school moore pleasent?
  22. Pogo


    Point sparing.
  23. Pogo


    The whole shibang head hands and feet pads.
  24. What pads are the best for sparing in? I need duribility and they need to be able to breath. Give me your opinions.
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