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  • Martial Art(s)
    Boxing, Judo
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Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. really? I never knew...I guess I don't follow these things closely enough, but is there a particular place I should look into?
  2. anybody watching Hell's Kitchen? As a rule I don't like reality shows, but this one pulled me in and now I'm addicted. I don't know I think it's hilarious but my sense of humor is a little off-beat.
  3. As a matter of fact, I read an article earlier today about how Hollywood is in the biggest box-office slump in 20 years. Its all about how people nowadays would rather stay home and watch rented movies than go to the theatre to see them. One reason is the price-you could rent a flick for around $5.50 and watch at home, or you could buy a ticket and see it in the theatres. The difference: after the concession stand gets through with you, you'll have likely spent close to $15. Some people just hate theatres because of all the people. On the other hand, George Lucas says that one reason many people go is to socialize. They enjoy going to theatres and being around other people, like a social event. Myself, I couldn't care either way. I have minimal patience, so if there's a movie I want to see, I'll probably go see it in theatres. On the other hand, I'm not opposed to kicking back at home with a rented movie-more blankets.
  4. In America, the general assumption seems to be that most cartoons are for kids, but that's completely different in Japan, where anime is entertainment for both kids and adults. This accounts for the sheer number of anime titles out there and the different content. The problem is, anime in general is misunderstood by much of America. Many people think that just because an anime series may have some nudity in it that its pornography. I can't speak for all the titles out there, but i've found the majority of the time whatever shown is central to the plot in some way. (Which is why I prefer buying the dvds instead of watching them on tv-you can see the story the way it was meant to be told.) Beside the fact that on a shelf in a business you can find an anime title loaded with violence and pornographic content next to kid-friendly anime. Though, it doesn't have to be grotesquely violent or pornographic to be labeled not for kids- a prime example is Neon Genisis Evangelion. It does contain violence, but far beyond that is the controversial storyline and religious references that make it emotional to a point that it might disturb impressionable young minds; something that American cartoons definitely don't have. The fact is, I enjoy anime more than most american cartoons because of the care that is given to the storyline and character development. I can watch an episode of The Simpsons and be like "Alright...its over." But if I were to watch an episode of anime I might be more like "So what happens next...I must know..."
  5. hmm...this bag i'm thinking of ordering has a floor attachment so it wouldn't swing I don't know-if it doesn't swing would a lighter bag work for regular boxing?
  6. awesome clip pretty tight song too-anybody know what its called?
  7. ok guys, bail me out here. I'm sure plenty of people on this forum own their own heavy bag or freestanding bag, so i'm just asking for some advice first off, what would you recommend, a regular heavy bag or a freestanding bag? second, if you own one, how heavy is it? I've seen some bags range from 20 lbs to around 100 lbs-any thoughts on a standard weight? lastly, how much did It cost...i'm not poor, but I am...experiencing a lack of funds at the moment, so this information would be helpful. thanks.
  8. Just took up boxing a couple weeks ago (love it, btw), and I was just wondering how often everybody here trains in it- my class only meets twice a week, and its currently not a system where I can go work out on a heavy bag, so any thoughts on how often I should train i.e. shadow boxing, footwork ect. thx
  9. has a large assortment of MA related things http://www.karatedepot.com/
  10. what are everybodies opinions when it comes to boxing/kickboxing building toughness or stamina I understand it depends on how much you train but I was just wondering in general
  11. I heard awhile ago that people who drink about 3 servings of skim milk every day tend to lose weight faster than people who don't (assuming their excersises and body types are similar) any thoughts? agree-disagree?
  12. I didnt like scary movie 1 that much, 2 was better, but 3 was the best because they had to think of other funny things besides people smoking pot and saying "* son!" all the time(pg-13 rating instead of R) wonder if they gonna make SM 4...
  13. I cant even remember what they taste like-i'll have to pick sum up...before its too late!
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