As a matter of fact, I read an article earlier today about how Hollywood is in the biggest box-office slump in 20 years. Its all about how people nowadays would rather stay home and watch rented movies than go to the theatre to see them. One reason is the price-you could rent a flick for around $5.50 and watch at home, or you could buy a ticket and see it in the theatres. The difference: after the concession stand gets through with you, you'll have likely spent close to $15. Some people just hate theatres because of all the people. On the other hand, George Lucas says that one reason many people go is to socialize. They enjoy going to theatres and being around other people, like a social event. Myself, I couldn't care either way. I have minimal patience, so if there's a movie I want to see, I'll probably go see it in theatres. On the other hand, I'm not opposed to kicking back at home with a rented movie-more blankets.