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TigerHeart's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Sorry about that part alot of arts have history but muay thai is uniques every soldiers in the burmess war use thai boxing and sword.
  2. Now, that is why muay thai is in a league of its own, muay thai they fight with rythem if a british MT vs a thai you will see the thai move with the music. Im out of muay thai but trying to get back with only 2 months experinced, I use a teep on alot people the result they fall down 5 feet away, its good if you want to set up a move.
  3. heh, go to thailand yer, book a ticket to thailand. £500 The teen boxers in thailand are very tough, I seen alot of them beat people up bigger size than them.
  4. The history was destroyed, but Thai boxing is from Thailand its like saying that curry done'nt come from india. Foget what the kungfu told you, I've been to Thailand and never seen a chinses guy say that muay thai is from china fact. And if you train in muay thai or live in thailand there you can tell easily the aura around people. I went on holiday to parts of Thailand where no tourists goes, and the boxing styles differs alot I treid the thai favorite food papaya salad, I went fishing with thai people. If you grew up in Thailand theres no doubt about it,
  5. Muay thai, Wrestling, Boxing, BJJ are the best combonation I think.
  6. Muay thai did came from Thailand these two country are so close so you must expect them to train the same art.
  7. Muay thai is tough, yeah bro next time make the questions more understandiing.
  8. Hello, im 16 weight around 135 pounds, don't worry about how you look my friend im as light as you. Don't worry to much what you eat foget the protein shake whatever as long as you eat properly breakfast, snack lunch, snack, dinner thats it, if you do some running cut it short. Building some body mass only work if you eat correctly with excercise, I found out I was gianing weight because I eat alot I was 128 Pouds. You can't gained 20kilos over a night work everythings takes time, I don't know how plenty water you drink, if you do exccercise eat alot to compensate it. Oh by the way your not 5.8 feet your 5'9'
  9. If your arms arn'nt that so good, let it recoverd go try some kicking art, or just get back to karate.
  10. Well, too many family problems putting me off my training in Muay thai, I have been in and out for 3 months my partner was a different person everytime and people say my kick is like a metal bar not now, Im so lazy.
  11. Hmmm, I have mix views on this, I have seen him and he sure was unfit but how can he come on top? well at fairtex the only way is he train so hard for it and to get to the level of his oponent, if he win he win lets just wait for another fight if he lose you decide.
  12. I just train abit more than you, well first off in your first 6 weeks, do some running depend on your level 1 mile or 6 miles whatever 2x a week or something then start building up slowly ask your Instrutor about this it doens't hurt if you ask, as goe for the sparring you would be comfortable with it in 6 months time.
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