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honour is life

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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    judo, ju jitsu. (going into tai chi and ninjitsu soon)
  • Location
    reading, england
  • Interests
    music, MA literature
  • Occupation

honour is life's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. That is the most sensible thing i have heard in these forums for a long time Isshinryu. Congratulations for a really meaningfull post.
  2. sorry, playing devils advocate here.. so if you got an award for saving someones life, when infact you didnt, pleople would respect you for the award, even though you didnt deserve it. is that true respect?
  3. but is it true respect if it is based on a falce belief, or is that meerly someone judging you for something you are not? saying that, as long as you have got respect, do you care what it is for?
  4. a litle late here but oh well, this os for any one else who is going into a judo tornament. 1: dont think of a throw to win with, if you do, i can garuntee that you wont win with it, if you win at all. 2: stay calm, its always easier to fight relaxed 3:do your best, remember its only your first, dont worry! yer, i think thats all i can think of, just be happy.
  5. only two things to say here "the hunter with only one bullet waits for a perfect shot" basically if you have someone come up to you with a gun, don’t try and do anything until the time is right (or as right it can be with a mussel in your chest) some people were saying "I would give them everything they wanted but if they seemed intent on killing me then...." why would a person ask for your money then try and kill you for no reason? Wouldn’t it be much simpler to kill you there and then then take what they want.
  6. umm... judo and strikes? you are right about the takedowns but strikes are only used in; i believe to be one kata. you are right about the take downs though. i think that the thing that likes them strongly is the desire to better yourself. that the main thing i can think off!
  7. very good way of putting it! i like; i like! it deppends on what you want out of martial arts. if you want to be a great street fighter then it is pointless going to a class that teaches only forms. but if you want to progress and be the best you can be in that art then it is equally pointless going to a class that diverses from the art and goes into street fighting. its personal preference. so to the question "are our prioerities wrong" it deppends on what you want to gain. think!
  8. it may cost a little more but how about having a slab of stone engraved with the japanese/chinese symbols for the 4 elements. (can be seen in many places: book of 5 rings) and placed; facing inwards to the center on the pillars?
  9. its been said before, but i'm going to say it again... NEVER UNDERESTIMAT ANYONE! even yourself! a street fighter does have training! he has trained on the streets, if he has been in fights, he will know the general reaction. do your best and hope to wot ever there is out there that it is good enough! me beat a street fighter... depends
  10. in england as long as you only use the force that the person who is attacking you is useing then you are ok. as for the lethal weapon bit.... *! the fact that a person does MA i think will be taken into account but not held against them. abviously it will be assumed that if a person has studied MA then they will have greater control over themselves and their actions. (not fair really)
  11. my mate is always going on "awww, gus... bruce lee slap that guy" funny for the first time, but after the 29th its just annoying! especially when they pick fights then expect you to end them! (almost happened but mannaged to talk my way out) then gave them one hell of a bo*****ing!
  12. no, i understand the need to apply the submission quickly, but to snap on with no intention to allow the person to tap is irresponsible
  13. keep fighting! i cant give you any specific tips but the longer you spar the better you will get! if this guy is a challenge then thats all the better!
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