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The Lip

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Everything posted by The Lip

  1. Um... Both Hohoho! Merry easter everybody!
  2. Best movie IMHO is South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut. "Careful? Was my mother careful when she stabbed me in the heart with a clothes-hanger while I was still in the room?"
  3. Really? Me too!
  4. Or you could just train along with any martial art in your neighbourhood. Most gyms let you train once or twice for free. If you don't like it, you can always retreat.
  5. Story? There is none. One of my friends once 'noticed' that I supposedly have a large upper lip (which I don't ). And... That's it Thanks for the warm welcome everybody!
  6. The Warrior you describe must be suicidal Seriously... Go with something in between; Avoid fights where possible, but if you see no escape (or when they're threatening someone else), give it all you've got.
  7. I'm sure that that had nothing to do with activities illegal in your country
  8. Hi there, I'm Wesley van Wensen, aka The Lip. I've heard about this forum from a friend (Yabyahoo) and decided to join. I'm 15 years old, an orange belt in aikijutsu, from Holland. My number two hobby is gaming. Lastly, I can safely say that I have approximately no social life whatsoever
  9. You get him by fully completing Weapon Master mode. With fully completing, I mean beating EVERY stage twice (once in normal mode, once on hard or extra or whatever)
  10. We got robbed twice this year... How on earth do you think that is possible?!
  11. Well, I started because my cousin did it, too. I keep going because it's great fun (all of the Dutch aikijutsuka's are one tight group). We also have plenty of room for perfecting techniques... Too bad our O-Sensei keeps changing them
  12. Err... About 25. In approximately 1.5 minutes EDIT: Whoa... Bit wrong on the speed there 39.3 seconds for 25. After that, the speed radically drops
  13. God/Goddess type: God of Evil Worshippers: Hoboes and Orphans They show devotion by: Making up holydays to get out of school/work
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