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  • Martial Art(s)
    Okinawan Goju-Ryu, Okinawan Kobudo, Jujutsu

koryu's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. I remember seeing this video somewhere before, these guys are amazing on guitar.
  2. I was just informed by my master that I have been recommended for promotion to Sandan. I'll be testing within the next couple of months. I'm so excited.
  3. koryu

    Goju Ryu

    I am a huge fan of Goju-Ryu (probably since I've been studying it for almost 15 years) It is a very good style. Hang in there for the long haul. If you love the geiki sai dai ichi and ni katas, you're in for a treat later on. Next on your list should be saifa where you start to see some of the white crane influence in our art, and the kata get better and more exciting from there.
  4. suprisingly she was in incredible shape. she had a hip replacement, so we had to be careful with throws or anytime she may hit the ground hard, but other than that, she was able to do everything all of our other students were. She is still training now at almost 90
  5. I eat a light breakfast, high in carbohydrates (such as pasta). good way to keep up energy throughout the day.
  6. I started at 8th kyu (which was yellow belt). There were several white belts there. I think it's great to get early exposure to other martial artists. You get to meet a lot of people that have at least one thing in common with you. I still compete to this day, but not quite as seriously. I look at is as more of a social gathering of karate-ka than actual competetion.
  7. I had heard of him being that way in the past, although my experience was very good, I have heard of several bad experiences from others. But, as far as his overall knowledge of history and traditions, it is pretty amazing what he knows.
  8. this went all kinds of directions didn't it... in response to the original question. I chamber right around my floating rib area. I was taught that it should be a more natural position and will be different for everyone, that's why you see so many different hand placements when people chamber.
  9. Hakutsuru is one amazing kata, I'll try to find a link to a performance. I enjoy the old white crane katas, very graceful and almost dance like.
  10. though i've never seen the situation arise, I can see your point if someone were to go violate moral standards (ie: murder), then it may be appropriate to "outkast" that individual and strip their rank.
  11. I had taken a few classes when I was very young, 5 or 6. I always remember having an interest in martial arts. When I was 12 I started training at an actual dojo and have been doing it for over 14 years now. I always found it interesting and still do.
  12. I'll go into a little more detail about the meridian (blood vessel) channels. here's one example: The conception vessel meridian channel runs from the lower extrimities of the body up the front in a straight line to your bottom lip and the governing vessel meridian channel starts at the very end of your tailbone and travels up your back, over your head to the inside of your mouth. this you are probably aware of if ever having studied pressure point manipulation. anyway, with correct posture and stance, these meridians specifically should form a straight line, thus delivering maximum blood and oxygen flow. hence the term I used as meridian alignment. hope this clarifies.
  13. Patrick McCarthy is an amazing karate-ka with a very deep insight into the traditions of martial arts and if I remember correctly, he is the only non-japanese person to be recognized by the dai-nippon butokukai as "Hanshi" I have done some training with him, read his books, and attended seminars. He is very good at what he does. You can check out his site at http://www.koryu-uchinadi.com/ for more info.
  14. Wow... Ki or Chi is an internal source of power and cannot be used outside of the body. We used to play very nasty tricks like this on lower ranking students and actually show them how to form chi balls and then walk by and steal their chi ball and place their chi inside of us making us stronger. We let them believe this for a while then we'd let them know it was all a joke. I would never do this as an instructor though. I did it when I was a student, to other lower ranking students.
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