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Everything posted by bald1rides

  1. My top two, no equipment exercises: Close grip pushups: Assume regular push up position, place hands close together under chest, do full pushups. Keep elbows tight to body. Turning them out hits your anterior deltoid a bit more. Works outside and middle head of tricep. Tricep extension pushup: Assume regular pushup postion, move hands close together above the line from your forehead down to the floor. Lower elbows to floor, raise, repeat. Important that you try to keep your elbows relatively close together. Works inside head of tricep. Not a full pushup motion, just moving your body up and down from the elbows up. You can make these more intense by raising your feet (like putting them up on a chair or Swiss ball) and less intense by putting your knees on the floor. Do loads of reps - works conditioning, doesn't add much mass - don't get me wrong, you see differences, just don't get big like you would from high wgt, low rep weight training. If you've got a chair or two, dips between chairs. Position chairs a bit more than leg's length apart, seats facing each other (backs out of the way). Put hands on edge of one of the seats, fingers forward, palms back (thumbs are in). Put feet up on other chair. Dip. You can make this less intense by only using one chair and doing it with your feet on the floor, more intense by putting a light weight in your lap. Careful with folding chairs. They can fold up and smack you on the back of the head. (been there, done that). Daily Alaska Winter type activity. When shoveling snow, reverse the grip of the hand on the shaft of the shovel (ie: hand is palm down). When you throw the snow, try using the tricep of your the hand on the shaft rather than pushing with the handle. Careful on that one, you can put your elbow out.
  2. I believe that if you combine chi with more chi, then you get an effective knockout combo. It's the vodka in it, see... http://www.mixed-drink.com/FrozenDrinks/ChiChi.html
  3. I brought a piece of pumpkin cheese cake to my "Master" - he's an old dude who does not dwell on formality and doesn't insist on anyone calling him master. I don't think I was "serving" him, I do think I was doing an great old divorced guy a homemade dessert type favour. The best kind of favour IMO.
  4. No problem calling the guy "Mr." but have a problem with "Master". Due to religious convictions from a 2000 (ish) year young religion. Aside from the fact that the word is being used in a completely different context and the English language is rich in contextual meaning, have a boo at this. http://www.randomhouse.com/wotd/index.pperl?date=19991021 check out what "Mr." meant before the 16th century. Close to the bottom of the page. And stop blaming "faith" for something you can resolve with common sense.
  5. Chicken Kick: 1) Hold the bucket at arms length in front of you. 2) Drop the bucket. 3) Kick the bucket as it moves towards the ground. 4) Dodge the pieces of fried chicken as they rain down upon you.
  6. Well, if you get an xbox you can play "farcry instincts". http://www.farcrygame.com/uk/farcryinstincts/main.php apparently AI isn't quite as good as the PC version (given Xbox is a very obsolete PC platform) however you get to do these "rage" thing where you transmorgify into a beast man and rip dudes up with your barehands. Then you transmorgify back and shoot the p00 out of everything. Previews look good.
  7. Holy p00p! Do they cause you any pain from time to time? My experience with Doctors is that they tend to discourage anything that might have a remote possiblity of hurting you. I've had Doctors tell me to give up practically everything I liked doing and if they had their way, I'd be doing needlepoint and drinking decaf. Needlepoint I could stand, but decaf??? I mean, COME ON MAN! BE REAL! Screw that, life is for living. Sure I could "save myself for later" but what if their is no later? Kudos on not quiting.
  8. Now someone tell me why this doesn't come on the bag as a piece of standard kit? or why isn't the anti-skid mat integrated directly on to the base? Obviously a common complaint - probably since first introduced - with the product and the manufacturers come out with this band-aid.
  9. Yea, the leaking thing was my next question. Hate to have to pay for water damage to the apt below me. thanks for the advice!
  10. So you guys don't have a problem with knocking Angry Bob down? My nephew has a free standing unit (not PO'd Bob) and it pretty much goes over whenever I give it a good cross.
  11. I enjoy watching: Andrei Arlovski Chris Leubin Yves Edwards that french dude, St Laurent Actually, I enjoy watching pretty much any UFC/Pride fighter. Those guys are just insane.
  12. Thanks for the reply. We have one like that in the dojo. Unfortunately it is not set up right and it rocks every time you give it a good smack. These home models are a bit different, but they don't take up much room. Once again, thanks for your reply
  13. http://store.titleboxing.com/title-professional-freestanding-heavybag-speedbag.html Anyone tried one? Reactions? Specifically I'm curious about: 1) Does it transmit noise down thru the floor? 2) Is it stable? Everlast makes one as well: http://store.titleboxing.com/title-everlast-heavybag-speedbag-stand.html Same questions. Thanks!
  14. That's why I go out and get into knife fights every Thursday. Usually with a steak.
  15. Agreed, though it does illustrate the difficulty in defending against a knife. It goes both ways. You aren't responding to the attack in the way you would like in order not to hurt your training partner, however your training partner is not waving a 9 inch Kershaw at you trying to lop off your precious bits and pieces. Surprising what you can lop off with a Kaybar or proper wieghted fighting knife. ...or are you talking about balancing a tack hammer on your head?
  16. You should not minimize in your mind the threat that a woman might represent, particularly if she is armed. To those who think they can parry a knife attack all day, try the following simple exercise: -Get a training partner to hold a whiteboard marker (water soluable) as they would a knife. - have training partner who you are not familiar with (that is key) to make all knifey-like with the pen. - count the number of marks on yourself afterwards It's important to use a training partner you're not familiar with as you do get used to the tells of a regular sparring partner. After a while they (and you) start performing predictably. I was lucky enough to get to try out some escrima a few times and that was an eye opening exercise. A little girl "sliced" me up good. You're probably "bleeding" after this exercise. You have major arteries in your arms (inside) and your legs. All she's got to do is slice one of them and you are dead very quickly. Heck, even nasty slashes on the forearms can make your hands useless if they get the right tendons, and I make my living with my hands. Those that think that women are the weaker of the sexes needs to watch a woman give birth. Then think how much it would hurt to poop a cantaloupe. Who's the weak one now? Dang near made me faint just watching it on TV. I mean, ewwwww. Personally, I'm happy most women are the kinder of the sexes. I mean, can you imagine if a person who can stand having their pelvis stretched that far out and smile at the frikkin' baby afterwards took a mean dislike to you? Probably no stopping her.
  17. Stress Management. There is NOTHING like smacking the bag/pads when you've had a bad day.
  18. Getting back into it after a 20 year layoff. I'm just a liiiiiitle rusty. And fat. And slow. yeesh.
  19. Any song from the group "Southern Discomfort". Warning! Very explicit lyrics and some questionable sentiment expressed in the songs.
  20. ...isn't that the one where you get smacked by a fresh caught salmon?
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