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Everything posted by JoeBSU

  1. In 2 weeks from saturday, i have my first judo tournament, if anyone can give me a couple tips that may help me out i would appreciate it, thanks alot!
  2. Being a wrestler, it should be noted that we aren't stupid (well most of us) and in a street fight aren't only going to wrestle. I'd probably punch someone, take them down in a much harder and more brutal manner than in a match, andtry to choke them out on the ground. Don't mistake being bound by rules in our sport for a code of honor that we'll never do anything against those rules in a fight.
  3. No contact? Wouldn't that basically be like a two man Kata?
  4. Does it strike anyone else as a little odd how some people study 5, 6 or even more MA's? I mean I completely understand the usefulness of knowing more than one style, but how good are you really going to get without focus?
  5. i dont know about that, the WWF or WWE or whatever is still fake, UFC is still real....
  6. Yeah I checked out that site, and I said south suburbs not south side, actually going down town would be a little much for me, luckily i found a Judo school on the USJA's site. Thanks anyway though I'm brand new to MA's other than Wrestling so i think I'll just stick with Judo for now.
  7. If it works as well as is claimed, it wont matter what weight class you end up at....
  8. Wow, what a coincidence. Thank you very much for the info.
  9. Um a full nelson is illeagle in wrestling, you can break someone's neck that way, my advice would be not to let it happen, and if your in a fight, head buts or anything you can really.
  10. Well, if you are on the ground, a trick from my wrestling days would be a somersault IF they've thrown there legs in or are high on you. Other than that, there's a sit-out and turn, or a switch, these are all mat work techniques not really somthing you wanna do on concrete, but good for tournaments. If you don't know what im talking about, get a hold of me and I'll try to explain in greater detail.
  11. I'm looking for a Judo or possibly Jiu Jitsu school in NW Indiana or possibly the Chicago South suburbs. I've just recently taken up Judo here in college, and I dont want to lose what I've learned over the summer.
  12. Ok, here's my stance on this issue, you need to fear the criminals with guns, who probably have them illeagily in the first place, the people who took the trouble to get a legit firearm are law abiding, and, for the most part, mentally stable. Of course you will have accidents with people who aren't properly trained, but that works the same way with anything, MA or cars, not just weapons. But remember, i guarantee you that even if we ban firearms, criminals will get them anyway...
  13. Um, just a note, Boxing goes way back to the time of the Minoans much further than the late 800's. And it would be my guess that it's is even older than that. (the Minoan Civilization dates back to about 3000-1100 B.C.)
  14. I'd just like to say that wrestling is not mostly brute strength. Though strength is very nessicary, during high school I beat many wrestlers who were much stronger than I was. A much smarter wrestler will beat a much stronger wrestler almost every time.
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