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  • Martial Art(s)
  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    TKD, Music

cjburns77's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. just relax and have fun... easier said then done when it is your first time.. But remember you will learn and get better everytime.. For forms try and forget about anyone watching you and focus on the form only... for breaking remember kick past the target. and if you are worried about getting hurt remember the harder you hit the board then less likely it will hurt.. most important HAVE FUN and GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Linkin Park and Evanescence really gets me pumped...
  3. i will rehost it soon.. anyone who wants to download it let me know so i can send you the link when i do it...
  4. I downloaded the video and it is very good.. If you have a broadband connection it is worth it to download it.. I will rehost it if anyone wants to see this... thank you superfoot!!!!
  5. My father did the finger tip thrust years ago... But it was not his first break.. It took him months of prep work to prepare his finger tips.. I think that that is a hard break mentally... As well as phyically... I have not done it YET..
  6. I think the calcium deposits are from the rebuilding of bone.. This is a direct result from the impact and shock that the bone recieves from training... I also enjoyed that XMA show on the discovery channel...
  7. We learn both "traditional" style and "olympic" style roundhouse kicks.. Traditional is ball of the foot and olympic is instep.. I am very new to TKD as I am only in my 2nd year.. When I started we where a ITF school and the only roundhouse we learned was ball of the foot style. But we got a korean master and his style is WTF. So we now incorporate both styles. Traditional for board breaking and Olympic for sparring.. I think both styles are important to know and can be usefull... It is funny because after reading all of this I am alittle confused.. We use to call a roundhouse a turning kick.. We still call it a turning kick but our korean master does use the term roundhouse, and our traditional turning kick is like the karate style as discribed in the tkd tutor link.. Superfoot I would LOVE to see this "high impact kicking".. Do you have a link to it somewhere.. I would appreciate it.. This is a very informative topic.. Thank you superfoot for the thread...
  8. My first break technique was a front snap kick.. I also felt like a million bucks... congratulations on you break...
  9. I love everything "JaseP" has to say.. I am a particularly short man of 5' 6". Even though I am fast I was very scared of sparing in the beginning.. I found I if I "Play" or to put it another way just have fun, I enjoy it alot... But in time and only if you give it time will find what your nack is.. And I love the precision of well done forms.. Good luck,
  10. I like the idea with the foam "Sandan". I will try games in the future. I may borrow your idea. I want to reach the kids without all the talent so that they do not get bored and quit because they don't have to live up to the standard set by the "Natural Gifted".. Kids see that it may come as easy to them and they tend to give up and I not just talking giving up TKD but giving up stretching properly or trying to make themselves better.. I know this falls on the teacher to "TEACH". I am currently changing up my stretching routine to try and keep everyone on there toes and add something new.. This is a learning process for me too so I am taking it slow, i guess... Thank you
  11. I do expect alot.. that is probably true. I must because if i set the bar so low that it is to easy then it will get boring... I do not scold them.. I do not ride them at all. But if others see the lack of effort then i am afraid of it becoming contagious.. I dont want to short change them by setting a low standard.. but i do want to make it fun at the same time.. But you are right "ineluki" that they are kids and some things should slide and I do let alot slide and so I should.. I am looking for effort more then perfect technique or absolute disipline.. I like the positive reinforcment ideas I have been hearing...
  12. ages vary between 7-14.. but the youngest prove the most difficult to grab there attention....
  13. Thanks for the advice SloMo.. I don't like to punish either. But I am trying not to get walked all over also.. example.. I ask for a front snap kick and most will do ok but a few will just kind of fling there leg around and not even come close to a front snap kick.. I walk up and ask these kids privetly if they would do me a favor and copy what i do, and then I would proceed to walk through the kick with them.. But I get no effort... especially when i turn around... I want to get them to want to try hard as much as they can, not only when i am looking at them.. I want them to try hard for themselves not for me... thank you for the advice
  14. I also wash my uniform after every class.. I have one uniform i keep seperate from all the others because it is for testing and tournaments only...
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