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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    mixed martial arts
  • Interests
    qigong, neigong,
  • Occupation

sparmaster's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. Happens to me in keyboarding class all the time.
  2. hmmm... this makes me think of something i read somewhere. i dont remember where i read but here it goes. Every thing has an end, except the mind. A punch most end but the mind's intent remains- dont remembre where i read it anyway ever think that maybe you had really good concentration and in a way your body and mind were perfectly balanced. I dont know really this is just a geuss so nobody flame me please. good luck with your training!
  3. Acheive, but do not glory in the results. Achieve, but do not boast of the results. Achieve results, but not through violence. Force is followed by loss of strength.-Tao It would seem that favor and disgrace are both to be equally feared. What do we mean by speaking thus of favor and digrace? Disgrace is being in a lowly position after have enjoyed favor. Recieving favor leads to apprehension of losing it; Losing it leads to the fear of still greater disaster. Therefore, favor and disgrace are to be both equally feared.-Tao confucious said:love
  4. whats your favorite band? mines Linkin Park.
  5. i agree that you should probably learn your own way but i guess ill tell you a way i calm my mind before meditation. i use buddhist style breathing while doing this by the way. first envision the #1 in your mind. Now breath in and when you breath out see the #1 in your mind change to the #2. and keep going to you reach about 50 or 30 by then your mind should calm and ready for meditation. good luck with your training
  6. thats cool as long as you stay away from that radki crap.i practice qigong and neigong. but if you really want a good place to learn internal arts go to ki-teachings.com and register for the forums its an awesome site, you should check it out.
  7. if your into the internal arts than go to ki-teachings.com,s forums now!
  8. look im a christian. i practice internal arts. and if you think ki is against that religion then die right now! because you obtain some ki through breathing, eating, and some other sources. so get a clue before you think its bad srry i just wanted to blow of some steem.
  9. okay im 13. i know a lot of people my age practice internal arts. but is their anyone on this "site" thats my age that practices internal arts?
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