I'm one of those people with a disability, so I know how the "invisible" disability goes. I'll never really master some of the jump kicks, as I cannot take any impacts (landings) with my right knee. I'm bone on bone, and that HURTS to land on. I tried and paid in days of pain, which told me that it just wont take that kind of stress. So, when it comes to jump front kick, I can only do it left sided, and I think a flying sidekick is going to be way beyond me. I can't do pushups right either, I can't take the pressure on the knee, and I'm not strong enough for hands and toes pushups, so I have to do them on one knee, being very careful to not stress the good knee. My instructor does a lot of self defense related training, as well as some competition style training, which I think is great. The breakaways, step sparring and things of that nature I can do. Just not the fancy demonstration stuff. My instructor also tells me that they will make allowances for things I cannot physically accomplish when it comes to testing, some schools won't.