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Everything posted by buddy

  1. do any of u have ne fun karate orientated games, or games in general that u lot do at the begining of a class to warm up or a warm up other than joggin an kihon. as in something different
  2. buddy

    speed fighting

    the thing with not bouncing is that if you were to try and attack not bouncing it would be possible to foresee that attack, as it is a sudden movement from stationary. also through bouncing, if you choose forwards and backwards, you could maybe time your attacks to when you are moving forawrds and so mix it with you bouncing so it is harder to see. it is also harder to feign when not bouncing as are moving around slower, there is less muscle tension than when you are active, so your movements should be slower due to less momentum but it also depends on which type of muscle fibres you choosen to hone, fast twitch muscles fibres are better at moving from statinary and other ppl are better at other movements
  3. buddy

    speed fighting

    yeh i get what u mean skeptic, i used to practise traditional karate whilst i was doing the earlier kyu grades, but now i feel i personally prefer sport karate. i though still dont agree with some of the comments that u shouldnt bounce in a real fight situation. through bouncing in a fight situation (sport), eventually your mind gets set that when you are bouncing you should be ready for a fight, i would not feel right trying to fight when not bouncing, because i do not practise that way. i think it is similar to a punch, you practise countering with a gyak and eventually whenever u are attacked it becomes second nature to gyak.
  4. buddy

    speed fighting

    in view of the other posts, i still think that standing still would not be very advisable, i too like 1kickKO would prefer too sweep someone who is standing still and it is possibel to sweep someone who is standing still by taking both legs. i dont think its a waste of energy bouncing as you do not keep the same rhythm, by feigning and testing your opponent and moving around the mat
  5. buddy

    speed fighting

    cheers for all the advice, ill definately start building up the no. of reps i do a day. but about the idea of not moving when sparing, although it would save energy, it would be easier to sweep someone when they are standing still as both feet planted on the ground. as well as this when bouncing it is easier to remove the front leg from a sweep, whereas when still both feet have weight evenly distributed. also why does everyone at competitions including international ones bounce?
  6. well its not really the origin of the katas, but what the begining stance/move of the higher katas symbolises. for example with the begingin of basai dai the fist(left hand) and right hand clasped on top. what does it mean, ive heard so many things like "good and bad", "origin of kata (chinese)", "i can fight but dont want to" ne of u guys got insight for any of the katas would be helpful, cheers
  7. buddy

    speed fighting

    thanks ill try that, but would it be advisable to train with ankle weights or would that cause too much pressure on the joints? also im pretty flexible at the moment, can kick above my head with a mawash, but how felxible is felxible, do i have to be able to do the splits or am i trying to stretch the wrong muscles?
  8. buddy

    speed fighting

    cheers for that people, btw is chambering the leg lifting the knee to the chest?
  9. buddy

    speed fighting

    its not really that my technique is not good, i can kick at an average speed, but want to be able to increase the speed of my mawash or uramawash so that it can be used like a punch
  10. any of you guys who do sport karate or any form of fighting know effective ways of improving speed when fighting, i find that i sometimes get outpunched and cant kick quickly enough from on the spot, and the only way i can carry off a kick is after a combination
  11. even though in our style we do have pre arranged pairs, we tend not to use those techniques necessarily but have simple techniques to relly on, such as a gyak on the spot, which are easy to score points on. then we have slightly more effective attacking techniques like tobi, front leg mawash but usually we tend to stick to simple stuff.
  12. cheers for that, i pulled it when doing a roundhouse, but can font kick comfortably now, but whenever i try to turn my hips for any side on kicks it hurts. yeh ill keep at it though cheers guys
  13. ive recently pulled my hamstring about two weeks ago, when trying to kick too high without warming up (stupid i know) and following that i couldnt even kick to the waist since then ive been reading the articles about other ppls injuries and now am proper worried about my injury. i have never really injured myself and dont want to be out of my martial art for long. i was wondering if ne one has actual exp of being set back for more than a month due to injury and ne sure ways to aid the healing. it used to hurt when i sat down, but now i just get a dull ache when sitting and can only kick below the waist (as i fear worsening it if i kick ne higher) and when is it safe to return to full training?
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