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danieldc's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. The head punches are allowed! But you have 2b 2 close to punch in the head, instead kick. There are a lot of self defense and street ofensives in TKD, but not avery teacher teaches those.
  2. Why not?, in my dojang, there are a 4Dan 35 year old, 2 27-30 3rDan and a lot more 1stDan not older than 30 years. But the oldests 1st Dan are about 50 years
  3. i saw it constantly, but in 2004, in ETKDP tournament i saw 2 coaches in a figth, 3 mins, 2 rounds. There was a lot of flying kicks, awsome fast & furious moves,ect. They were 7-7, our yokio dominated, but the other one made a dirty move, so our yokio got inanger and pump him like a drum. Ended 21-9
  4. That is my point, he doen`t send you tou his accounter or his lawyer. To be more acurate, what i mean is if you keep practicing only a few elements of your MA, you become an uncumplete artist.
  5. I founded a lot using kazaa also try at bilang.com and in my school`s web http://etkdpanama.com/ (just click on Videos)
  6. I see, e&knee, very powerfull point. And am agree whit it till certain point. I mean, i don`t fell that a good doctor can be also a remarcable acounter. If you are a doc, specialize using all your tools. What woul you think if you go to your dentist and she (mine dentist is a girl, wth a pair of eyes that can make you fell great and think bad) and she tells you that she doesn`t know wto paste a molar becuz she is specialized in insisives. Out from my methafor, read the one avobe, from WW
  7. In the childhood teach us how to use a fork, a knife and a spoon. U asked why do not use a spoon everytime, i answer: the 3 of them has an infinity amount of usages plus the normal one, but first u must be able to eat the soup with the spoon insead of sucking from it. And that`s, my fellow Taiji, a lesson for life, not just for dojan. NEVER LIMITATE YOURSELF JUST BECAUSE YOU DON`T WANT THE EVOLUTION EVOLUTIONS
  8. Lately i used my TKD agains a policeman and a taxidriver... The Martial art teach us patience, patience that i had wt the taxidriver to avoid giving him a piano-smile and wait the police. The police arrives and, without knowing or asking anything tiketme for $50.00 by disturbing. Without a chance to apelate.
  9. Any MA can be a tool 4 that porpouse. Am sure u have to find some school (in any MA) that enfatizies in self defense. Here we have a lot of martial arts-dojos and dojans and others that are self-defense schools who teach from basic forms, convination of greco-roman, judo, aikido, hap ki do, Tae kwon do and or kung fu. They are for self defense porpouses, they are not for martial arts developments or teach. Neither does test or level any kind Usually the teacher is some kind of ex-police or ex-mp. (Fun fact when go and find Major Pain as your instructor, jeje!)
  10. They are fighting for points, in that type of competition punches dont score very well in comparison to kicks. I can (sort of) understand why they don't use their arms if it doesn't score very well (although kind of see it as a cop out) but I still don't understand why they don't keep up their arms to protect their body and head a bit, a kick to the arm is not likely to score - a kick to the head will so why not afford it some protection? Nice note Angie, the arms are used for proteccion, a kick in a hand can hurt, but it`s not a point. Am positive that COI alaw to use a traditional TKD makees (protections) in tournament. Even using the legs for avoid points. Cann`t push whit hands, but can do whit feet. Can punch a hook, straigt (basic suki) or upercoat, and if u can make some harm, it is a point, but is barely imposible becuz of the absolute no atcment to anythin but yourself, and the movement absorves all the power of the punch, meanwile a kick just has to impact clean to make a point. Have i made my point? The down arms is just for save energy. If he/she does that way, is bcuz is confident (or extraconfident) of the own skils, the fast that he/she, can move and cover or scape. The other reason is the tecnic. The hit -n- run stile is too fragil, and the arm up can make the g-center uper than u need. Just up the arms while hit, then lower and run. Did u realize the diference bteen Joe Montana and Dan Marino? Joe has injured in the column for having a real great fundation, Dan was never used a god fundation so he has never been injered that bad, bcuz when the line goes over his, hi is on the air, and the space, not his body, absoves all the defensive line. As in football; Joe is karate, Dan is TKD. Relative to the absortion area, inverse the harm will be. As the WTF-COI`s tournaments rules, the kick in the head or face makes 2 points The Xtian way is not the better way to spar any MA! Ok, the shin, i`ve read later, jeje! Yes, it does, doesn`t hurt 2much, but is my favorite, bcuz can charge ay kick fron this position, or just disturb the other one
  11. Bu the uper body tecnique are not the same used to perform the poomses? I mean, i learn WTF TKD but i use those, like makees or shees... The easiest way to block a dollyo is using an L way of eugul makee, for a duo-bandal (side-side continuos kick) use hetcho arae makee. In the street the most powerfull tool is a bakat monton makee to block a hook and using the momentum to atack the nose, with fast rotation kick as! Well, in sparing, the COI never told us anything for using traditional moves in competition TKD By the way, am green belt, so, as am in the middle of the way, this post made me a confused padawan
  12. I`ve been recomended to use as a target the knees and the balls. Do not never,ever, go uper than the belt. I was never in a nes 2 use it.
  13. I don`t take $60.00 for expensive, wt belt, wtf`s certs and examination. Knowing that you going to do it (if i got it fine) in an external doyang, not where you learn. But, like some said, if the school refuses to inform you, there`s must be a problem.
  14. As a lot of arts, martial or not, Korea developed their own by need. Been side to side wt China an Japan had forced koreans to develop a lot of tecniqs. based on nature (as Kung Fu) or kinetics (as karate) and/or natural movements of life, like capoeira. Would u put in q. about the origin of pizza if i told u that it was at first a pitta greeck bread dressed w/ cheese and etc.?
  15. I got impresed by kung fu and hapkido, but as a sport i have to point to TKD. Judo seems not too spectacular, and a lit. bit snozing to me
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