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Corpand's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Corpand


    Check this out, might be helpful: http://www.keithgeyerkarate.com/katahtml/katamainpage.html
  2. You know you're obsessed with martial arts when you practice your stances while taking a shower *looks around*
  3. yea, me and June1 go to the same school and she is right, we dont wear face shields. I guess you are right in a way that they MIGHT get hit more in the face coz it looks more protected
  4. I actually have a problem. Both my straps tore off so the only thing keeping my gi together is my belt
  5. At the moment, I really enjoy Heian Godan. Dunno, just feels RIGHT whenever I do it.
  6. Yea its mainly in the leg strength. Also, stretches would really help.
  7. Began at 15 and gonna keep going at it for as long as possible!
  8. I would have to say something that would go either for the neck or spine (around the lower-back). The damage could be devastating if the attack is done correctly
  9. I spoke to a Sensei who told me that it really helps to focus through class if you meditate before class. What benefits do you think this could actually bring?
  10. Meditation is about not thinking at all. If you need, go to a very quiet room where you are comfortable but where its not too cold or hot. Begin to think of thoughts that come to your head and try to "forget" them. Basically stop thinking about thoughts Takes some time to master but worth it.
  11. I reccomend Muay Thai. It is very useful and will keep you fit for a long time.
  12. Yea Kempo is basically Hawaiian karate
  13. I tend to whip it at myself sometiems during a kata or free sparring but I get used to it
  14. Just got my blue belt this weekend!!! No words can describe how happy I am!!!
  15. And voala, here was I, searching for summit karate on google when I stumble upon this post! So I signed up to the forum and found out that it was a great community for all martial artists alike. Gonna stay with this forum for a long time
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