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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Mong Su Dom Tai, Tae Kwon Do

Myriad_Rocker's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Wow, it's been a while since I've been on here. Uh, I posted several pages back that I was a white belt with one stripe. Not anymore. I'm purple with one blue stripe. In the words of Joe Dirt, you just gotta keep on keepin' on. Black, here I come!
  2. Thanks for the replies. Here's the thing, though...I don't eat sweets. In fact, I don't even really care for sweets. If I have anything with sugar (usually tea), then it's always artificial (Sweet N Low, etc). How should I start out? What should I be eating? I'm going to start jogging...coupled with doing martial arts twice a week. Then on weekends I'm going to go biking. Is that a good start? I'll work weights in later... About 2 years back I was in great shape...working out all the time, lifting weights, blah blah...then I got married! haha....
  3. I'm sorry, I put this topic in the wrong forum...if a mod could move it, that will be fine. I don't want to double post it in the training forum.
  4. What's the best way to lose weight and tone up? I don't want big muscles...just tone and definition. Also, what kind of foods should I be eating while training? I'm looking to make this an ongoing thing...not just for a specific period of time.
  5. Jean Claude Van Damme I kid, I kid!!! Actually, I'm perfectly fine with my teacher. He's a 2nd generation black belt...I'll be 3rd of course.
  6. Red - TKD (quit about 8 years ago) White w/1 stripe - Mong Su Dom Tai (been in about 1 1/2 months)
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