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Everything posted by SVanderkolff

  1. The doctors have all given thier okay, subject to my listening to my body. My concern is what effect the drugs that I am on will have on my ability to train. Thanks Steve
  2. I am on heart medication and attempting to get back into karate after 3 years off. What I am finding is that I have no stamina, after 3 or 4 sparring matches I need to take a break and reoxegenate my body. I know my heart rate will not get above 140 no matter what I do so how does this affect my ability to train? Is anyone else dealing with this and what do yu recommend. Thanks STeve
  3. Informer While I certainly have no doubt that sensei Bak will teach me the katas, it would be really nice to at least know which katas he and the other seniors are referring to. I hate looking like a complete rookie as I wander around in my blue belt. I know EGO strikes again. Steve
  4. If you mean John Bak, then yes. Steve
  5. Thanks All. I will talk to my sensei next class and see what videos or books he recommends. Mildmay is just south of Walkerton. 1 hour north of Kitchener. 1 hour south of Owen Sound. Are you in the area? Steve
  6. we recently switched styles from Tsuroka to Goju Ryu and we were wondering what the best source is for the katas. ( other than the sensei of course) . We would like to proactice at home but need some books or at least pictures of the katas to do so. Thanks Steve
  7. We recently moved and there is no Tsuroka dojo in our new location. We have found a local Goju Ryu dojo that seems to match what we are looking for in a dojo. I have only been to two classes so far but it seems close enough to our old style that we will not have to relearn everything. My wife and I both studied the tsuroka style for approx. 5 yrs and attained blue and green belts respectively. BTW - how do I change the avatar to a blue belt. We are located in southern Ontario Canada about 1 1/2 hours north west of Toronto. Not sure what else to say so thank you for the welcome. Steve
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