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Bama Crimson

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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Brazilian Ju Jitsu
  • Location
    Rocky Top Tennessee

Bama Crimson's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Thanks both of you. I will go have it looked at.
  2. Back in July I was training in BJJ. My friend went a little too far when demonstrating an ankle lock on me. I yelled and he let go. It hurt but I got up and walked it off, and it felt better. Then I go to do a triangle choke on him, and I pull on the ankle. It began to hurt so bad I immediately let go (and I have a decently high pain tolerance, but I am not going to pretend to be tough man). The pain stayed in my ankle and calf for 2 months. I tried to start training again last Thursday, and I pulled on the ankle again. It still hurts, especially when pulling the ankle down. The thing is I have been playing hockey on it for months without pain. Its only when I pull on the ankle in BJJ that it hurts. Does anyone have any advice. I have thought about seeing a doctor but maybe someone has encountered something like this before and has some insight. Thanks
  3. But if the MMA fighter could defend sufficiently against the boxer, the boxer would lose. The boxer only has his boxing skills to rely on. The MMA fighter has boxing, kicking, plus take downs and submissions in their arsenal. If the fight did not end quickly or went to the ground, even in their prime, Tyson or Holyfield would be finished. An armbar will end a fight.
  4. I agree wholeheartedly. I am a fan of UFC. I really haven't watched too much Pride or K1. But UFC/MMA has a purpose. It is to train people to fight in the ring, for several rounds or to achieve a submission. It is a sport. UFC has evolved into something that was not originally. It was meant originally to put the fighters in as close to a real life fighting situation as possible and let them fight it out. But it has evolved into a sport with rules, weight classes, regulations placed on it by athletic commissions, etc... Now, I would not mess with Chuck Lidell, Matt Hughes, Tito Ortiz, Randy Coture(sp?) or any physically fit, well trained MMA fighter. They would near kill me....badly. UFC/MMA is not the be an and end all of martial arts. I also get perturbed by the overall lack of class I see. TMA's like Karate have done well in teaching respect for opponents and how to win with class. There are classy guys in MMA, like Chuck and Randy, but there are also those who give them a bad name (ie Ortiz, Bob Sapp, Tank Abbott etc...) and those people are far more common in MMA than Traditional arts. Don't interpret this as a trash MMA rant. I am a fan. I enjoy the sport. But I also can appreciate the sports place in the greater scheme of the martial arts world. MMA has rekindled my interest in the martial arts, and led to my beginning to train in BJJ. I am indebted to the sport for that.
  5. Wrestlers tend to become "ground and pound" fighters in MMA, because of the lack of finishing moves.
  6. Whether its one or two attackers, the first thing you should try to do if attacked it get away. This is true especially if its more than one attacker. In any situation you should choose the option of flight over fight. If you must fight, fight until the opportunity presents itself to get away.
  7. Johnson City is Northeast Tennessee. It is very close to the Virginia border, close to Kingsport and Bristol. Those three cities are known as the tri-cities area and Bristol actually is in both Va and Tn. Monroe County is southeast Tennessee, very close to me. I am in Bradley county. Monroe is the blackened spot on this map http://www.monroegovernment.org/general_information.html I would suggest looking for a school in Athens, Tennessee. There may be a couple and I expect that if you live in Monroe county, you will be very close to Athens. In Athens and Cleveland, the Town where I live, there are Isshin Ryu schools. I don't know if that helps or not.
  8. Jesus may have said this (but I doubt it) but it is not scripture, not even pseudopegrapha nor in the gosple of Thomas. It sounds like a Muslim saying...Christians don't use the term infidel. 1Timothy 5:8 (King James Version) King James Version (KJV) 8But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. That is one translation. I will look at the Greek and see if the word "infidel" is the best translation. Many of the words in the KJV meant something different than the modern meanings when that translation was first written.
  9. I know I am a Johnny Come Lately to this discussion. But I am studying to be a minister. I also have begun training in BJJ and am contemplating taking up a striking art. I would say that there is nothing wrong with a Christian training in MA, (since I do it myself). But MAs do not interest everyone and are not for everyone. If for some person they see it as too violent or what not, they should not participate. But certain MAs are sport oriented anyway, and Christians do participate in sports. Living in the Bible belt, Christian based (owned and operated, which incorporate Christian teaching with MA) Karate/TKD dojos and even BJJ dojos are not uncommon.
  10. I have a few I am a quasi-history buff. I study American and Civil War history. I also like music and watch sports on TV. I love football (American), college and pro, but like college better than pro and I am an avid Alabama Crimson Tide fan in college ball. Roll Tide. I really enjoy tailgating. That's a blast. I play hockey as well.
  11. Why train in martial arts? Because its fun. I enjoy BJJ alot. It is somewhat practical and very good in a fight, but I don't care about becoming a great fighter. BJJ has been giving me a good work out too, so the fitness is an added bonus.
  12. Do you mean ankle supports as the equivalent of wrist wraps used to support the wrists in boxing?
  13. To train in BJJ my friend and I are using gym mats to grapple on. However, since I have begun my training I have had a peculiar vulnerability to getting carpet or rug burns, especially around the knees and ankles. These burns are so annoying. They don't hurt badly, but are really annoying. I suspect my ankles are caused by my feet going off the mats onto the carpet when grappling. But what about my knees (we are grappling from our knees until we learn take downs). Any suggestions on how to deal with this annoying hindrance to training?
  14. Depends on training methods. I am more convinced that the reason boxing and MT have done so well as opposed to Karate in MMA is because of training methods more than technique. It all depends on how hard the training was, but would say 10 vs 1 year is no real match. 10 years wins for sure, especially if the conditioning is at the same approximate level.
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