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Everything posted by kris

  1. It has taken me 18 months to get to 5th Kyu, going for 4th Kyu in December.
  2. What is a class ring? we don't have them in the UK.
  3. I am from about 40 miles from London and most of the time know what your talking about. The whole dish liquid thing made me laugh we just call it washing up liquid (yeah its a bit of a mouthful!) We also don't call it soda or pop. We just tend to use brand names. They should make an American English to UK English dictionary. Then again we have so much American TV here a lot of slang stuff comes over with it. But then again I don't understand things people say from the North of England and our country is tiny compared to the US!
  4. You are so right rats rule Bunnys are cute tho but only from a distance!!
  5. Maybe an obvious question but How long are you off for summer break? In the UK we get 6-7 weeks, just wondering if it was any different over there.
  6. Just clicked that link. It looks scary as hell!!
  7. I'm so glad I don't have to worry about this kinda thing. I have an Implanon Implant and haven't had any monthly inconveniences since September 2001! Bonus
  8. I know its a bit OT but whats a busser and a bus tub? I'm guessing its an american thing? But can't work it out! Sorry
  9. I've only heard that version once but I keep getting the version that Radio 1 plays in the morning in my head, (Is this the way to)Aberystwyth (sp?) Does my head in, Chris Moyles is evil
  10. Her boyfriend took her when he first started, a while after I did. He goes to a different club and style to me, she went to one lesson and it scared the c**p out of her. I've tried to get her to come with me but she refuses, she thinks their all the same.
  11. Cool I'm not alone Spongebob rocks! And yes I am guilty of some of the above, especially opening and closing doors. Its catching tho, I caught my husband closing a door with a sidekick and he doesn't even do Karate. My sister however is convinced Karate is a wierd cult!!
  12. Rammstein all the way But I do love Nirvana too. RIP Kurt
  13. Thanks for your replies, I have had this problem for years but generally if I'm wearing trainers it doesn't bother me too much. It has been getting worse in Karate, sometimes I notice the pain but it doesn't bother me much if at all, Tuesday night the pain was pretty bad and I was losing my concentration. I'm going again tonight so I shall see what happens. I've got my next Grading the Sunday after next so don't want to mess it up just because my feet hurt! I will make an appointment to see the doctor before then. Just out of interest do you know what sort of thing the doctor might suggest to help.
  14. I have noticed over the last few training sessions that the soles of my feet mainly the arches ache very badly, a bit like cramp. I have been told I may have flat feet or fallen arches but I don't really know. The pain is starting to be really distracting when I'm trying to train and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas of what I can do about it. Thanks Kris
  15. Me neither, problem being whoever I go to see next won't nearly live up to them I'm sure.
  16. Hey, I was there too!! I was the crazy female with the martial arts tattoos and the blue and black hair... It was a great night - Rammstein are a top band. Cool, what night did you go on? I was there on the Saturday. I was the other crazy female, blond hair (unfortunately!), can't miss me I'm only 5ft!! It was a fab night, kept finding the confetti for days
  17. kris


    Atlantis is cool too, reminds me must watch Tuesdays episode at some point! Bit gutted its the last SG1 next week tho at least they're making another series.
  18. Rammstein - I saw them last weekend at Brixton Academy. London, best band ever (even though I don't speak German!)
  19. kris


    Yay, Stargate!! Do you still get it in the States?
  20. It was on in the UK a couple of years ago, now wondering if they're doing another series. I hate to say it but it was one of the reasons I started Karate, I had wanted to do it for a while but it looked so tough in the program I had to try it, glad I did
  21. " "
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