I was under the impression that the phoenix, in chinese mythology, was a legendary creature signifiying luck and rebirth. That is why you see the phoenix in many paintings, scrolls, carvings. It is associated with good things, and considered good fung soy. It's also supposed to appear before an event kind of as an omen. Here is an excerpt/explanation taken from the Encyclopedia Britannica if you're interested... Chinese: “phoenix”) In Chinese mythology, a creature whose rare appearances portend a great event or indicate the greatness of a ruler. So if the phoenix is considered luck/rebirth in chinese mythology, I think it's only fitting that it would be associated with the meditations BakFuPaiGuy is talking about (based on what he's said). If they're supposed to heal you and help you heal others...I would consider that a rebirth of sorts...not to mention the fact you would be incredibly lucky. So yeah...phoenix works, I think. Course I could be wrong about my interpretation, but most of my chinese friends say phoenix means luck/rebirth...